Ch. 16 - Broken

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You didn't know how to cope with Gojo's confession. Once that conversation ended, you shut yourself tightly in your room. You had assured yourself so much over the past few months that there was no way you could fall for him. You did everything you could, at least in your mind, to avoid catching feelings - but clearly that hadn't worked.
And Gojo... You knew he wasn't one for long-term relationships...but that one Geto person...whoever that was. By not falling for him, you were protecting yourself - at this point. Obviously your relationship changed as soon as you started this lie, but you hoped that you'd be able to control yourself. There was only one thing you could do to continue to protect yourself: move out. 

On Monday, as scheduled, you signed your lease. It took another few days for your things to arrive from Kyoto in a large moving truck. 
It was a bit chaotic with such a large vehicle parked on the tight, Tokyo streets. You hadn't told Gojo your things had arrived for him to help as originally planned. Instead, you decided to just pay the movers to get your things upstairs despite how expensive it was. Thanks to your savings from not having to pay rent to begin with, this wasn't a huge dent in what was in your account. 

All while these days passed, you put as much distance between yourself and Gojo as possible. He noticed it for sure, but he was going to keep his promise and not initiate anything with you. He settled for the fact that he was your fake fiancé - for now. He could sense the end was drawing near. 

"Gojo..." you stood in front of the island counter as Gojo prepared his breakfast, hands resting on the marble. The day prior you had finished moving your things in, the whole time you figured Gojo thought you had been going to work as you usually would. 

"What's up?" He asked, sliding a butter knife covered in jam over a new piece of toast. His hair was quite messy, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose, after having just woken up. 

"I..." you trailed off, having no way of saying things lightly seeing as you had spent such a long time under his roof.

"You're all moved in," he smiled up at you, taking a bite out of the toast. 

"Huh?" You were completely lost. Your secret wasn't very well-kept, Gojo had noticed your room had started to look emptier and emptier save for the furniture that had already been there from Fushiguro. 

"Are you telling me that you're all done moving?" He asked while knowing he was completely right. He just enjoyed your shocked expression, knowing that you were keeping everything a secret. 

"Y-yeah," you bit your bottom lip and looked down at the counter, fists clenching. "I think we should finally bring things to an end."

"Okay, you have an idea for it?" He asked, still munching on his toast as if your words didn't hurt him. He had become a true pro at hiding his emotions, ever since that last December. 

"Well...not really, I was hoping you might have some ideas." You felt ashamed to be the one to bring up "breaking things off" and not having any sort of idea of how to do it.

"Alright," he looked up in thought, using the back of his hand to wipe crumbs from his face, "the exchange event is coming up, so all the students will be there - Kyoto, too. So that means dear, old gramps will be there. That might be the perfect time to do it."

"I'm liking where this is going," you nodded with a smile, hearing the plans come from him so casually made you feel a bit better - making you think his little confession was just a fluke, a heat of the moment thing. 

"Oh yeah...and that whole Yuji thing..." he trailed off, "it'll replace this whole thing we've got going on."

"What do you mean?" You asked, not having heard any updates on any of his students. 

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