Ch. 13 - Proposal

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Just as Gojo had wanted, the following weekend, he treated you and Gakuganji to dinner to "bring things to a head" or so he called it. Gakuganji had flown all the way to Tokyo to attend. You weren't quite sure what Gojo meant and you were a bit nervous without having context. If he was planning on having some type of "explosive argument" to break things off in front of your grandfather you were sure to become furious. You didn't like being put on the spot, but with Gojo you had to prepare for anything.

You were genuinely surprised at Gojo's calm and pleasant demeanor during the meal. He kept his conversation to a minimum and allowed you and your grandfather to chat. He still smiled, laughed, and cracked general jokes as Gojo would do, but there were no blatant attacks toward your grandfather. Gakuganji even took a few minor stabs at Gojo but he didn't even react. He was completely off. And you didn't like it.

"You're probably wondering why I've gathered you all here today," Gojo spoke as the plates were taken away from your table. He folded his hands on the table and used a distinguished tone.

He gave a long pause as you've waited expectantly with a concerned expression. Instead of continuing to speak, he stood up and walked to your side of the table and held out his hand.
You narrowed your vision out of suspicion but took it and stood with him. Gakuganji's eyes widened with a bit of silent fury as he watched in horror.
With the most devilish, shit-eating grin on his face, the six foot three sorcerer fell to a knee and looked up at you. Before reaching into his pocket, he tore his blindfold around his neck to reveal those sparkly blues.
Your own eyes slowly widened as he pulled out the little, velvet box.

Keeping his bright, evil, cocky-ass grin, he opened the box. "Y/N...the love of my life, my everything," he was being incredibly cinematic, "will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

You glanced at your grandfather who still held a shocked, frozen expression. You had to admit it felt good to see him so visibly pissed after being so dramatic, but you weren't sure what Gojo was doing. You didn't know if you were supposed to throw a fit and say no or leap into his arms with a giant yes.
You looked back down at Gojo to see if you could read his face. He went to the trouble to find an actual ring and everything, sparkling almost as bright as his eyes.
As a way to show you the correct answer, he raised his eyebrows and widened his smile - his neck giving the tiniest, ever-so subtle nod.
That's when you knew to put on the show.

"Satoru..." you whispered, bringing your hands to your mouth out of fabricated glee. "Yes!" With your answer, his grin softened and he slid the ring on your finger.

"This isn't serious..." Gakuganji muttered as both of you sat back down. "Y/N, you don't actually want to marry this buffoon, right?"

"I do, Ojisan," you answered seriously, "he's the best thing in my entire life. Especially right now..." you looked at Gojo and smiled, making sure your eyes were a little wet all for the effect.

"I love you," Gojo said lowly and leaned in to give you a slow peck, much to your surprise. You didn't want to admit it but the way he said that had your heart going. You tried your best to shake it off and continue the act.

" you, too," your voice shook as you stared him directly in the eyes, his face still close as he slowly pulled away. His cocky expression made it so much worse, the relaxed eyes and proud grin.

Your grandfather sighed loudly, "alright, I'm going to leave." He quickly stood and began walking away from the table, grumbling to himself. He was well and done with whatever it was you had going on. He had been hopeful about the way you had interacted with Nanami at your father's wake. From what he understood, nothing had come of it.

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