Ch. 5 - Act

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The two of you shared a few texts that solidified the details of your dinner. It was Friday, just as he had wanted. He even went as far as to pick a restaurant, it, of course, being high-end and surely to impress. You weren't sure if he was doing that as a way to show off or simply because he refused to have anything that was under a certain price. Either way, you couldn't complain when a free fancy dinner was involved.
Something else that had crossed your mind was how willing Gojo seemingly was to go through with this. You figured that he really had it out for the patriarch of your family to go to such lengths to make things so convincing.

When the day finally arrived, you readied yourself in some of your best. This time you knew you were going to a nice restaurant compared to the last time where it was unexpectedly thrown upon you. 
You were just finishing up your makeup in the mirror that hung at the end of the hallway in the flat. Your hand shook as you tried to carefully apply extra mascara. Something about this night had your nerves in a twist. You weren't sure if it was because Gojo was going to be there or the fact that you were formally introducing him as your partner - which was a complete and utter lie

"You look beautiful, sweetheart," your dad chimed happily behind you. "Don't worry about tonight, I'll try to keep your grandfather under control."

"Thanks," you laughed, your dad always hitting you with the kind words of encouragement. "Don't worry about it, though. I think Gojo gets a kick out of how much the old man hates him."

"Ah..." he nodded knowingly and turned on his heel to return to the living area. "Hello!" He said suddenly which caused you to turn around, nearly smudging what you were working on. "Nice to finally meet you..." your dad's voice was nervous, Gojo suddenly appearing in the center of the room wearing a casual suit and his blindfold.

"Satoru..." your voice was sweet though you wanted to yell at him, "it's unkind to show up unannounced like that."

"Sorry," he walked over to your stiff body which was tense from the stress of his sudden arrival. "But I'm here." He smiled warmly at you, maintaining eye contact. His gaze nearly melted you, through the blindfold and everything, even more so when he leaned forward to place a lingering peck on your forehead. He's putting on quite the show. "I've missed you...beautiful." You nearly melted at the way he purred under his breath. 

"Right!" Your dad exclaimed, interrupting the moment. You were quickly embarrassed and tried to smooth out your dress as a means of recovering. "We had better get going. We have to pick up Dad on the way."

When you picked up Gakuganji, the two of you sat in the backseat together - awkwardly. Gojo's lanky legs wouldn't be able to fit in the backseat so he pridefully sat in the front while your father drove to the restaurant, complicatedly parallel parking on the busy street.

"Reservation for four under Gojo," your "partner" stood happily at the front of your group. Your grandfather not having said a word the entire time. Instead, he simply scowled in silence - long eyebrows hiding his angry eyes.

The host quickly seated the four of you in a relatively private area, again thanks to Gojo's expensive bribery. The two of you sat side by side with your father and grandfather across from you.
Almost as soon as the four of you sat down, so began the interrogation.

"How long have you known my granddaughter?" Gakuganji's eyes widened to carefully examine Gojo's expression. You panicked, neither of you establishing any sort of backstory beforehand. 

You were about to answer, worried that Gojo would come up with something ridiculous that you'd have to agree with right away considering the situation. Unfortunately, you weren't fast enough.

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