Ch. 6 - Jealousy

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The night was still young and it was Friday after all. With your father asleep and grandfather gone, you decided to meet up with some friends and head to a local bar, this time not a strip club.
They may have abandoned you at the strip club, but this night was different. It was shaping up to be a great night of drinking and weekly gossip shared between good friends. You felt lucky to have a fulfilling social life, Gojo being a mere hiccup in the middle of it.
You shrugged the whole dinner off, thinking that all would be good as soon as you "broke it off" with Gojo so your life could return to normal. It really was a good plan. You got your grandfather off your back about "settling down" (at least for now), Gojo got to torment him a was a win-win situation - just a little white lie.

Your vision slowed and you began seeing things in double as the alcohol began to course through your veins. You became more chatty and easygoing, the confidence in you rising quickly.
You suddenly felt confident to talk to the blonde male sitting next to you. You were down to have a little fun. That's what weekends are for!

"Hey," you greeted with a sweet smile as the man took a sip from his drink.

He had a bit of a hostile expression, but that changed when he took one look at you. "Well, hello," he greeted with a crooked smile, very obviously looking you up and down.

"I'm Y/N," you introduced, "nice to meet you."

"You as well, I'm Naoya," the way he spoke was similar to a snake's. His tone of voice and the way his lips moved as he spoke were cold and calculating. You weren't entirely sure what to make of his character, but decided to continue to see if it'd go anywhere. "Nice to meet you as well."

The two of you continued in light conversation. Mostly him. You'd ask a question to carry the small talk and he'd drone on quite a bit about himself, but it wasn't necessarily a deterrent - at least for a one night stand.
While he spoke, you allowed yourself to doze away a bit, staring just behind him at the room and other patrons - hoping for something more entertaining to look at. That was when you saw him.

Gojo Satoru was sitting in a booth against the wall, facing you. He was with another woman, schmoozing it up. She was very clearly into him, making sure her body was snug against him as he held her. She also looked incredibly intoxicated, the flush in her cheeks was very telling.
You stared just a bit too long, curious to what he was still doing in Kyoto. Because of your long stare, it only too a few seconds before Gojo felt your eyes and suddenly caught a glimpse of your stare. Your eyes flittered back to Naoya, nodding as if you were totally listening to whatever it was he was droning on about.

"Naoya!" Gojo chimed happily, interrupting your conversation partner. Your eyes quickly widened when Gojo called him by name, darting quickly between the two of them to figure out how they knew one another.

Naoya's face dropped once the shock passed, "what do you want, Satoru?" He looked incredibly annoyed by Gojo's presence, entire body tense and sitting straight. Gojo was slouching with his arm across Naoya's shoulders.

"Oh nothing, just came over to see what you were up to!" He grinned directly at the blonde. "Funny seeing you here!"

"I had business with the Kyoto higher ups," Naoya turned to face the bar and grabbed his drink, downing the last of it to better deal with the nuisance next to him.

"Oh, I don't care about that. I'm talking about Y/N," he nodded in your direction.

"How do you two know each other?" You asked seriously, eyes still darting between the two men.

"Oh, he's a Zenin," Gojo patted Naoya on the head and Naoya tried to bat him away, gritting his teeth. "The...second most powerful sorcerer family."

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