Ch. 14 - Separate

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When you got home, you immediately shut yourself in your bedroom - just wanting to separate yourself as much as possible. You didn't buy Gojo's lame excuse for one minute. 

You knew exactly what he said, but whether or not it was a spur of the moment thing you couldn't decide. Instead, you wanted to go with the benefit of the doubt: he was just so overwhelmed by good sex that that was all he could think to say. He doesn't love me, he loves my pussy, you thought simply - as funny as that sounded.
Even if that was the truth, your truth, you couldn't help but replay it in your mind involuntarily. It sounded so good and made your heart and your body come alive. Each night, you struggled to fall asleep - only able to do so after touching yourself to the thought even though you felt so guilty and wrong. He'd never be able to settle down, he doesn't want that, you tried to convince yourself. Plus I have Nanami, Gojo said...really is Mr. Perfect.

Meanwhile, Gojo was having quite the breakdown in his bedroom. He had his knees to his chest as he sat against a pillow, the TV glow the only thing in the room. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he recalled that moment in the car as well as many of the moments he shared with Geto. He didn't want to let him go, he couldn't. Loving someone else meant just that for him.
Sex meant nothing to him ever since he lost Geto, but changed that. He hadn't felt anything like what he had felt with Geto until that first night. Though it had been a true one night stand, he couldn't deny the sparks.

With time, things fell back into their normal routine again. You spent your weekday time at work, came home and went your separate ways. On the weekend, you'd each go to your own bar or club to keep out of one another's business. You and Gojo were on good terms and not getting on one another's nerves. It was as if that night in the car never happened.
You had continued seeing Nanami for small dates and really started to get to know one another. You weren't "going steady" just yet, but things were starting to get a bit serious. Gojo, however, stayed Gojo and brought home new partners every few days, especially on weekends. 
Your apartment hunt was going well, too. You had been on a few tours and you settled between two different options. Ultimately, you were ready to sign a lease.

"So, where are you gonna' go tonight?" You asked from the kitchen while happily pouring yourself a glass of wine before getting ready for your outing. You were the only reason Gojo kept any form of alcohol in the flat.

"I don't think anywhere tonight," Gojo sighed from the sofa, clicking through channels on the television. "We added two new first years to the bunch recently, making the big total three!" He exclaimed sarcastically. "One of them's Sukuna's vessel, so that's a good time. It's been a long day, so I just want to relax into the weekend."

"Oh," you were shocked to hear such a thing coming from him. He'd always just been ready to party or go somewhere he could find someone he could bring home. "You know what?" You put the bottle down after finishing your pour. "I'll join you! It's been a minute since we've had some time to just relax on a weekend."

"Cool. Pizza?" He wondered, looking over at you with his arms draped over the back of the couch. 

"Hell yeah," you grinned while carefully walking over with your tall glass. 

Gojo ordered the pizza while you stole the remote and found something to watch. 
When the food arrived, you enjoyed good food and good conversation with him. When you weren't at each other's throats whether it be angrily or sexually, he was actually good company. You figured your time sleeping together was over - though you had thought that after the second time at that one restaurant - and that once you moved out you'd be able to remain friends. 

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