Ch. 4 - Lies

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The two of you continued quite a night on the town, Gojo taking you to quite a few spots you hadn't known existed even with how many times you had been to the city previously. The other kicker: it was all on him. He wouldn't let you pay for anything. Not that you couldn't, but he somehow had the preference to pay himself - as if he got some sort of stimulation from doing so. 

The two of you warped back to your hotel room at the end of the night. Both of you were significantly exhausted, you more so seeing as Gojo was always one for a late night. 
Just as you were about to say goodbye, with perfect timing, your cell phone began ringing. Out of all people, it was your grandfather.

"He's up late," you noted, but picked up anyway. Gojo threw his hands in his pockets and patiently waited for your call to end. "Hello?"

"Y/N," your grandfather replied back abruptly, his scratchy voice slightly hard to hear. "How is Tokyo?" You flattened your expression, immediately knowing what it was about. 

"Ojisan," you said sternly and waited for his response. You had crossed your free hand over your chest and began impatiently tapping your foot as if he could see this action.

"What? I'm asking you how your first day in the city went. Am I not allowed to do that?" He didn't play the innocent card very well.

"You're trying to see if I've met up with Gojo-san yet, aren't you?" You figured and the line went silent.

"Have you?" He asked in a stern voice, trying to still sound in control.

"No, and it shouldn't matter if I do," you responded normally despite the obvious lie, "he's actually not that bad." Gojo ran his hand through his hair and bit his bottom lip as you said this, lifting an eyebrow playfully. You tried your best to hold in laughter.

"He's a delinquint!" He nearly shouted. "You stay away from him!"

"You're not someone who gets to make that decision," you said seriously. "I'd like it if you respect the fact that I'm a grown woman."

"If you're so grown, then you need to find a husband and settle down!" He scolded yet again. You breathed loud enough for him to hear over the phone and rolled your eyes as if he could see it.

"Goodnight, Ojisan," you quickly pressed the red button and tossed your phone away.

"I didn't know I got under his skin that much to call you at nearly one AM," Gojo chuckled as your body relaxed from the tense conversation.

"Me neither," you shook your head. "I have no idea how he even figured I was awake. Otherwise, that would've been a quite a rude awakening."

"I hope you actually answering this late wasn't a giveaway, then," he grinned. 

"You know what?" You placed your hands on your hips, face lighting up with passion. "I don't care if it was! I can do what I want. If I want to see you, I'll see you!" 

"Ooo, I'll be sure to go into detail the next time I see him," Gojo teased. 

"Please don't," you dropped your expression again. "If he just so happens to find out we've slept together, so be it..."

"Oh you're no fun," Gojo sighed. "We could really torment him with this..."

"As much as I hate his tendencies, he's still my grandfather..." you sat down on the edge of your bed and looked up at Gojo while leaning back on your hands.

The week passed by rather quickly with Gojo's company. He managed to indulge you each night, your wants outweighing what felt right in your mind. You realized you needed to call it quits after your week in Tokyo. You didn't want to get too attached seeing as it was all supposed to be for fun. Gojo had no intention of settling down anytime, too, you could sense that in him. It was all about the sex. Period, end of story. 

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