{12} ヤンデレ {12}

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~Y/N's POV~

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I glanced around the unknown room that I was currently in.


A heart monitor.....which means-

A hospital?

My eyes snapped open ".....!"

Am I bleeding?

Did I get hurt?

I looked towards my side and my eyes widened slightly when I realized that someone else was in the room.

It was Sumiko.

She had her head laid down on the side of the bed and drool was coming out of the corner of her mouth causing me to chuckle lightly "Sumiko!" I called out as I began shaking her a bit.

She groaned "5 more minutes....."

There's no way that she's older than me.

I sighed "Sumiko! We're in a hospital room, wake up!" I said quickly and she slowly began opening her eyes up before something seemed to register in her mind and she quickly sat up "Y/N! I'm so glad that you're awake" she said and I tilted my head to the side "Can you please explain to me......what happened?" I asked and she nodded before reaching over and pulling something out of her purse.

"I will but first.....here's your phone! I found it on the counter in the kitchen" She said as she handed me my phone and I smiled "Ah that's a relief....."

She took a deep breath before frowning "You were roofied by some guy" She said and my heart dropped "....."

Wait.....I remember that.

We was taking me upstairs and then-

I placed a hand over my mouth "Wait was I-" she cut me off "No! The doctors confirmed that you weren't sexually assaulted, there's minor bruising around your neck and your arm but that's about it" She said and I nodded slowly "I remember what the guy looked like" I said and her eyes widened slightly "Me too! He had short hair, an odd color......uh I couldn't see his eyes too well but-"

"Wait wait.....huh?" I questioned and she frowned "You don't remember? You were sitting with him and a bunch of other sickos! But I slapped him for you so don't worry" she said and my eyes widened "Wait.....no! The guy that roofied me, he had brown hair and light green eyes......he was also dressed in really loose clothing and he wasn't that much taller than me"

She rubbed the back of her neck "Wait.....so then who the hell were you sitting with?" She asked and I stared at her blankly "Don't ask me! I can't remember a thing after being taken upstairs" I said and she frowned "Damn it! I should've kept a closer eye on you" she whined and I smiled "You were drunk! It's my own fault for placing my drink down" I said and she sighed "I shouldn't have taken you there, especially after hearing about what happened once we left"

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