48- House Is Bitchin

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Barry was fighting off one o the DeVoe duplicates, who was easily evading every hit Barry was trying to throw at him, as he manages to knock Barry down. Ralph was having just the same difficulty with the DeVoe he was fighting as he too was avoiding Ralph's hits. Ralph gets knocked back landing beside Barry on the ground, "Crap in a hat. I can't hit him" he says to Barry.
"They can read our minds" Barry tells Ralph.

"Then we do this Dibny-style" Ralph suggests

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"Then we do this Dibny-style" Ralph suggests.
"What?" Barry questions.
"We don't think. Just fill your mind with something else. Something you love" Ralph explains to Barry.
"Ralph" Barry says as they see a DeVoe walking toward them.

Ralph stands up, and walks toward DeVoe, enlarging his fists, "Shrimp buffet!" he shouts as he punches DeVoe in the face, and DeVoe stumbles back. Ralph looks back at Barry for a moment, smiling, seeing that Ralph's idea had worked.

Barry sees the other DeVoe starting to approach, "It's you and me, Katrina" he says as lighting flickers in his eyes and he speeds at the other DeVoe, going back and forth around him, before finally knocking him down.

Ralph continues to punch the other DeVoe, "Shrimp platter! Shrimp cocktail! Um, beignets de crevettes" he then says as he knocks that DeVoe out.
Ralph and Barry run over to each other, "Once again, Mr. Allen, your best will not be good enough" they then hear multiple DeVoe's say.

"What's the plan, Rookie?" Ralph asks as the crowd of DeVoe's start getting closer, "I'm running out of shrimp entrees"
Barry looks at the multiple DeVoe's who were blocking their path to the portal, "Well, you're only gonna need one"


Joe stands by Cecile, looking at Caitlin, "they're coming every five minutes" he says in regards to the contractions.
"The stars are raining...." Harry says quietly as he wanders around.

Cecile then cries out in pain, "Cecile, please just focus on not having a baby" Caitlin tells her, as Cecile takes her hand.
"Stars are raining, draining, painting." Harry rambles, and they look at him.
"He sounds just like Barry when he came out of the Speed Force" Cisco then says.
"Yeah, I know he does" Katrina says to him.
"No, I mean, he's saying the exact same words" Cisco says as an alarm blares, and suddenly a pocket dimension opens and DeVoe steps through it. Before any of them have time to react he raises his hands and using Izzy's sound wave powers, he sends them all flying across the room, and breaking all the glass. Just as they start to get up, he then uses Null's powers to keep them all grounded.

DeVoe starts to walk toward Barry, when he spots Joe pointing his gun at him, "You should mind where you point your weapon, Detective West" he says as he starts to make Joe point the gun at himself. Joe manages to fight against it, and turns the gun back at DeVoe, "Stay away from my girls!" he threatens him.

DeVoe looks at him, using Null's powers he makes Joe go flying up in the air, and holds him against the wall, trying to crush him, "Joe!" Cecile shouts, as DeVoe then makes Joe crash to the ground. DeVoe then turns looking at Cecile as he starts to go toward her.

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