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Exo - full vampires, 17-19 years old, handsome, popular, powers in MAMA

Hanabi Mika - a half-human and half-vampire, a loli, 16 years old, shy, timid, quiet, cute, small, has hysteria savant syndrome and hate people who call her shortie, mind reader, powers - shaper (can turn into anyone and anything), invisibility, can go through anything, double eyesight, controller (can control people with her words), super hearing

Kim Subin - a full vampire, 18 years old, despite Mika, the most popular girl in school, a bitch, power - super speed

Park Eunyoung - a full vampire, 18 years old, Subin's minion, also a bitch, power - super strength

Lee Hyori - a full vampire, 18 years old, Subin's other minion, same as Subin and Eunyoung a bitch, power - super sound

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