Chapter 12

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The door flung open revealing 11 worried vampires who looked like they were running.


After Lay took Mika home, all the boys couldn't help but think about Mika during class.

(Exo thoughts)

Xiumin - I hope she's well. I know, I'll buy a baozi doll for her as a get well present so she won't forget me.

Luhan - Is it because of her powers? Mr Lee said that she has more than two. I think  I should give her the deer bracelet that I bought.

Kris - I'm worried about her. Wait a minute, worrying is not my style. Well, I guess I could draw for her and she'll be speechless after seeing my masterpiece.

Suho - Is she alright? Is Lay taking good care of her? I hope it's not serious, I buy for her those bat earrings so she knows that I'm worried about her.

Baekhyun - Why am I worried about her? Sure, she's cute and pretty but there's something about her than that. When she's better, I put eyeliner on her.

Chen - I should sing for her when she's better.

Chanyeol - I could tell her my jokes and she would lau-. I wonder what's her laugh is like?

D.O - ......I'll cook for her......

Tao - I'll buy for her a panda stuff toy when we go out other time.

Kai - Hope she's okay... I'll know soon enough. This lecture is so boring. I'm going to sleep. (Went to sleep)

Sehun - What can I do to make her feel better? I know! I'll buy for her bubble tea! I'm a genius!

(End of Exo thoughts)

"Oh, you guys are here and why do you look like you just search the whole world to find something?" Lay said "We did, we went to search a present for Mika to get better," Suho said and the others nod their head in agreement.

The boys were chatting about school and their usual stuff when they notice Mika is having a nightmare. She kept turning and was sweating a lot, she then sleep talk

"No, please, leave me alone. Please, please." she kept saying. They tried to wake her up but she's still having the nightmare, "NO!!" she screams waking up from her dream.

She breathe heavily while trying to calm her heart down, she saw the boys and hug the one nearest to her which is Luhan. Luhan was surprised by her actions at first but came to when he heard her sobbing, he calms her down by hugging her back and telling her it was okay but also gave a playful smirk to the rest.

It works in making them jealous and all of them gave him a glare. Luhan hugs her tighter and their glare became deadlier and powerful. They try to pull Mika away from him but she fell asleep again in Luhan's embrace making them restraint themselves.

They want to argue back but they don't want to disturb the adorable Mika. They kept staring at her that they didn't notice Luhan lying on the bed with her. Lay was the first one to notice and he signals the rest, they look at each other for a while and turn to Luhan with an evil smirk on their faces.

They went closer to Mika's bed while yawning pretending to be tired. "Ya, what are you guys doing?" Luhan whispered so as not to wake Mika up, "We're sleeping with you guys since we're tired as well"

Lay whispered with a smirk on his face and lie on the other side of the bed while the rest began to make themselves comfortable around the bed on the floor. Luhan clicks his tongue and decided to sleep with them since there is no point in arguing back if they not listening.

The loli half-vampire {EXO FF}Where stories live. Discover now