Chapter 9

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When they reach school, the same routine started but this time Mika cling onto Luhan's left arm and used her power to turn them invisible and walk through the crowds.

Mika continue using her powers until they reach the principal's office, she knocked on the door and it opened immediately. They went in and Mika stops using her powers but she still clinging to Luhan's arm.

They both saw Mr Lee looking out of the window with his arms at the back. He turned around and smile at them softly. "I bought him as you ask me to," Mika said and Mr Lee nods his head "Thank you, Mika. You can go now" he said but Mika clings to his arm more tighter and had a frown on her face.

"I want to listen to what you have to discuss with him uncle, because I know it's about me," Mika told him and Mr Lee sigh because he knows that she will argue back if he doesn't let her.

"Fine...I see you have already trust Luhan." Mr Lee said while smiling at her and Mika smile back and said "Even though I just met them for two nights. I already knew I can trust them."

Luhan just listen to their conversation while watching them in silence but was shocked when he heard Mika say that she could trust them. Luhan then got curious about why he was called here so he decided to ask

"Sir, may I know the reason as why am I here?" getting the two's attention, Mr Lee then became serious. "I call you here to let you know about Mika's other powers," he said and Luhan's eyes widen.

"You mean, she has more than two powers?" he asks and Mr Lee nods his head while returning back to his desk, once he settled down he continue to explain " I won't tell you what they are because I want you guys to figure out by yourselves. But I will tell you something about them, Mika powers are the rarest powers a vampire could have and Mika also has powers that no other monsters could have."

Luhan stares at Mika with shock while she looks back at him innocently, he then turns his attention again to his principal after he heard him speak again. "Oh... and one more thing, I want to let you know about Mika. Have you heard about HSS?" Mr Lee asks and Luhan shook his head telling him that he doesn't know.

"HSS stands for Hysteria Savant Syndrome, which is a trait that causes the bodies of those carrying it to activate 30 times more neural transmitters than the average person, which makes the function of her central nervous system, namely the cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord, accelerate dramatically when she is sexually excited.

As a result, in Hysteria Mode, logical thinking, judgment and reflexes all rise exponentially, the users enter a temporary super mode, like a transformation.

It is seen that Hysteria Mode also permits the user to develop a sixth sense, but when she stays in HSS for one day, she needs to sleep for ten days in order to ease it."

After Mr Lee explains to him, he stares at Mika again with shock. "Why are you telling me this and not to the rest? You could tell this to Lay since his powers are healing." Luhan told Mr Lee, he stood up and went to Luhan.

"Your power is the most similar to Mika's that's why I could only tell this to you and not the rest," he said and right at that moment, the bell rang. He told them to keep this a secret from the others and dismissed them.

The loli half-vampire {EXO FF}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu