Chapter 21

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It happened 10 years ago when Seunggi just found out that Mika is a sadist.

Seunggi just got back home and was just about to open the main door when he notices blood coming out underneath it, frightened that something might happen to his niece, he opens the door roughly not caring if he has broken it or not and went straight to the living room where the blood trail leads to.

In the living room, he saw his niece stabbing a man continuously in the chest with a knife with a wicked smile on her face while laughing hysterically. She stab the man one last time and leave the knife there in the middle of his chest and slowly turn her head to Seunggi who had a frighten expression from the scene in front of him and look at his niece who is laughing like a crazy stalker with blood all over her white nightgown and her face with her eyes wide open and bloody red in colour.

She walks to him slowly while he was still frozen at his spot and when she reached him, she hugs his waist and looks up at him "Uncle... I... didn't know... that killing someone is so much fun..." she said with a voice that sends a shiver through his skin while giggling scarily. After a few seconds, her giggles went down and she slowly fainted in his arms, when her grip was getting loose and sliding down a bit Seunggi pick her up and carried her to her room's bathroom.

He fills up the bathtub, remove Mika's nightgown, place her in the tub and wash the blood away on her face and clean her body. After the bath is done, he wears her clothes for her and tucks her in her bed, once he was done, he went to the living, carried the body out, burn it and cleans up the blood using his powers. After everything is in place and there's no stain anywhere, he sits on the sofa and starts to think about the reason why Mika became like that.

He had a thought but brush it away until all the facts and reasons came to that certain thought, he now knows why Mika enjoy watching horror movies and killing movies than other girls, likes to see people suffer unlike kids her age and most of all why she loves rape scenes despite her young age. It's because she's a sadist.

The night pass and it was morning and Seunggi was sleeping at the sofa in the living room when he felt a presence in the room, he woke up with a fighting stance and fire in right hand when he saw his niece in front of him. He calms down with a sigh of relief and the fire disappears when he balled his hand into a fist.

He looks at his niece and saw that Mika had a face of guilt, he made a curious look at her and ask her "Do you remember what happen last night?" and she nods slowly, she looks at the ground with a disgusted look on her face like she's thinking that she's disgusted with herself from last night.

Seunggi looks at her with a gentle smile and pull her to him by her wrist and hug her, tightly while petting her hair, "It's not Mika's fault... I don't blame you for it but you need to remember to control your sadist side, ok?" Seunggi said calming her down and it worked.

Mika hugs him back and hid her face in his chest, Seunggi had felt his shirt getting a bit wet so he looks down at Mika and saw that she was shivering and heard soft sobs. He smiles gently at her and hugs her tighter, cradling her while she cries.

That is when Seunggi promises himself to never let anyone make Mika angry or enter full sadist mode, if they did, they will unlock the devil within her and see hell in front of their eyes instead of their last moment in life.
[End of Flashback]

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