(Chapter 2)

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"Did he hurt you,did he touch you anywhere else,"Ran said with a caring safe tone and touch.
"mh...hm h-he,"I said shaking all over.
"Shsh your safe now,"Ran said pulling me to rest on his chest.
"You can stay at my place for the night because it's late and cold outside and you could catch a cold,"Ran said holding my hand as we began to walk.
I just nodded and walked.
"I'll text your brother so he knows were you are," ran said

Angry's pov

I just came home and smiley wasn't home so I just went to prepare dinner. Whiles I was cooking I got a text saying that smiley is staying at a friend's house so I just ate dinner on the chair and watched a flim.
"I'm stuffed that was the BEST I've eaten in a long time,"I said patting
"Time for bed now,"I yawned walking to my bedroom.
I fell asleep almost right away

Smiley's pov

"All I could do is cry I felt weak, I could of did something but I stood there letting some random person touch me in all area of my body,"I accidently said out loud.
"It's not your fault you couldn't do anything thing if you tried,"ran giving me the reinsurance.when we got to his apartment Rindou wasn't there he was at a friend's house. So we were alone
"You can sleep in the guest room I'll give you fresh clothes and go have a shower,"ran said putting his coat away.

In the shower I felt this feeling like a safe feeling I felt safe around ran it's weird to say after the fight we had but I feel cared about. I felt a small sting on my waist to my surprise there was a purple buries on my waist it hurt back.
I came out the bathroom to see ran on the chair.
"Come watch a movie with me but first you better get changed there's some clothes on the bed,"ran said smerking.

After getting changed, I sat down on the chair with ran and watched a movie he gently hugged me making me feel safe in his arms we stayed like that for the rest of the flim. After it ended, I went to bed and so did ran,
In the night I couldn't sleep at all
the memories of the man kept repeating in my head I got out of bed and went to ran's room (since he showed me so it wasn't that hard to find) and knocked on his door he opened it and saw me shaking
"Umm...c-can I sleep with you I-I feel scared by myself"...I said shaking.
"Sure why not,"he said

I came in bed with him and I almost felt like I was safe again he began to see me shiver so he grab my cheeks and made me stare into his eyes my eyes widened as he began to stare at me with the most intense look.
"Your hurt on you left side of your waist I know because you were squinting your eyes when I touched you waist,"he said with a intense look.
"I-it's hurts so ba-..."I mumbled in pain. I was cut off by a small peck on my lips by...ran my eyes widened in shock as he kissed me. I buried my face in his chest to hide my blushing, red cheeks.
"I don't want to see you suffer,"ran whispered.
I couldn't speak all I did was nodded
He hugged me tight and didn't let go I just rested my head on his bare chest.

Ran's pov

Smiley so cute when he's asleep, when I saw that man touching him I just wanted to kill the guy but I saw that smiley needed someone at that moment. Me and smiley never liked eachother so for me to kiss him, save from that asshole and let him stay the night is crazy he probably terrified.
Now a days I just go out and smoke and be free and I definitely need to smoke.

On the apartment steps, I just stared at the stars as I smoked. I felt this feeling in my heart and it was like when you love someone but I don't know if they love me back. I was deep in my thoughts when smiley came out and sat next to me and hugged me from behind I was shocked.
"Uh...um I came out to smoke and get some fresh air,"I said staying still as a statute.
"I-I couldn't sleep when you left my side,"smiley mumbled.
"Okay you can stay with me a bit longer,"I said

We stayed like that for a long time after I finished smoking I dropped the cigarette on the ground and crushed with my foot.
"Why do you smoke?"smiley said making eye contact with me.
"Idk it's relaxing"I said as I strugged my shoulders.

Third person pov

They looked each other in the eyes in the heat of the moment Ran gave a passionate long kiss smiley was shocked at first but he then kissed him back, smiley had lots of  experience kissing his exes so Ran wasn't his first kiss but Ran was the complete was a player.

Soon after smiley pulled away to catch his breath They repeated the cycle a few more times. After a while, Ran decided to add tongue smiley was shocked by Ran's action and pulled away.
"W-why d-did you add tongue?"smiley said in-between breathes.
"It's too late cutie,"Ran said with a smerk on his face.
Before smiley could speak Ran picked up smiley bridal style and carried him
to his bedroom and throw him on the and gave smiley a small loving kiss.
"Let's get to bed now,"Ran said hugging smiley


Sorry If this doesn't sound like them
I didn't want them to smiley too of a soft boy but you can't be perfect
Well enjoy

Good morning, Good night

1046 words

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