(Chapter 17)

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Angry's pov

We make it to their place and it is now 4:50pm and Rindou opened the door and let us in.
"Ran is in his room,"Rindou told smiley as smiley headed to his room.
"Soooo you are missing something,"I spoke gesturing to me.
He smiles then walks to me and pecks my lips.
"Happy birthday angry, my blueberry,"he said which made me blush hearing the nickname.
"Now come on we to get you dressed up we are going out somewhere,"he said leading me to his bedroom.
"I justed changed though,"I said.
"Well too bad,"he said closing the door behind us.

Smiley's pov

"Hello~,"I said opening the door to see Ran sitting on a beanbag whiles texting someone.
"Hello baby smile," he said giving a cute smile. I walk over to him and sit on his lap whiles hugging me.
"Happy birthday smiley I love you,"he whispered in my ear as he breathed on my neck making me giggle.
"I love you too," I said breaking the hug and kissed his lips. Getting up and moving to the bed.
"So why you call me here you miss me?"I said.

"Yes and no we have a surprise for you,"ran explained.
"Who's we,"I asked.
"People,"he said smirking.
"Make me come over there and whip that smile off your face,"I said.
"Okay let's get you in a better outfit because you are not going out in that,"ran said looking me up and down.
"WHAT!a all I'm wearing is white tank top and joggers,"I explained.
"Exactly no,"Ran said walking to his walking fucking closet.

An hour later,

Angry's pov

"My brother is probably going to dress him in a black suit so I'll dress you in the same,"Rindou thought out loud.
"Come go change,"he said throwing clothes at me.

I now come out the bathroom in the suit and this boy is really on the floor counting all the diamonds on the chandelier like wtf.
"What the fuck are you doing,"I said.
"It's your fault you where taking so long,"he responded.
"Whatever so what you think,"I asked.
He got up and brushed off his outfit.
"Umm yes,"he said.

We are now on my hair and me chosen to put in a bun.
We are know wait for Ran and smiley for some reason.
We were watching scooby doo (got to appreciate scooby doo)when Rin got a call.
"Can I take this ,"he asked I just simply nodded going back to watching scooby doo.

Rindou's pov

I went to the kitchen to take the call and no surprise it was izana.
"Damn so grumpy anyways we are going to be ready for them in like 30m-1h so keep them distracted okay,"
"Yeah I'll tell Ran as well,"
"Okay see you there,"
I end the call and let out a sigh I didn't know I had.

"Angry I'm going to tell ran something,"I said walking passed him.
"Okay,"I heard.
I walk to his door and knocked.

Ran's pov

"Smile you have to get up,"I said shaking him to get up off me.
"Ughh nooo,"he complained snuggle more into my chest.
"Fine but only for five more minutes,"I said.

Twenty minutes later,

"Come on get up,"
"Okay,"he said in a grumpy yet laughing tone.
Whiles the smiley was getting off me the someone knocked on the door.
"I'll get it,"smiley spoke walking over.
He went over to the door to open it and Rin was there.
"I need to speak with Ran,"he said walking in the room.
As smiley left Rin began speaking.
"So they are nearly ready and they said to bring them in an hour,"he said sitting down.
"Okay,"I say...

Next chapter is when it's party time yay and happy birthday to my beautiful twins smiley, angry.

Hope you enjoy,

664 words,

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