4. Meet Kenzie

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Riker's POV:

It's been 2 days since I met Kinley and now today I have my meeting with Kenzie. I'm so excited! With meeting Kinley I was super nervous but with meeting Kenzie I'm just excited because I now know what to expect. I walk into the kitchen to find my mom making breakfast.

"Morning mom!" I say before giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Well good morning Riker! How are you?" she said returning my gesture.

"Splendid! Absolutely splendid! What are you making it smells delicious!" I complimented her because I, for some reason, am in such a good mood.

"Who are you and what have you done with Riker?" my mom teased me.

"Mom! Seriously?!" I semi complained.

"Oh there he is! He was just under all the charm and fancy words." She continued teasing. "I'm doing very well this morning thank-you and we're having french toast with strawberries, bananas, whipped cream, watermelon and grapes."

"Sounds delicious! Thank-you for everything you do for us mom! You are truly so wonderful!" I continued to compliment her.

"Good morning Riker! Morning darling!" Dad walked in giving me a pat on the shoulder and mom a hug and a kiss. It was pretty adorable.

"Mark our son is in an overly cheery mood this morning. He's been complimenting me nonstop and telling me how much he appreciates me." mom informs dad on the pervious events.

"Well, Riker does this have anything to do with the fact that you're excited about your meeting today?" Dad questioned.

"You caught me. I'm just so excited! I get to meet my other almost daughter today! How couldn't you be excited?" I finally revealed the reason for my mood.

"Well I can tell you one person who isn't as excited about this as the rest of us are." I just stood looking at my father extremely puzzled. "Ross isn't too excited about the adoption. You may want to go talk to him about it." I nodded and walk out of the kitchen to find my brother.

I found Ross sitting on the patio with his guitar just strumming. He's been coming out here a lot lately. I guess it is quite relaxing.

"Hey bro" I got his attention

"hey" he simply replied.

"What's going on?" I pried more information out of him.

"Nothing just sitting and thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Tour and how it has to be pushed back again. And how disappointed the fans will be...again..."

"You can't dwell on that dude. You have to think about how excited they'll be when they finally see us live for either the 1st time or the 10th time!"

"But Riker we wouldn't have had to push it back if you weren't serious about adopting these girls. If you say no to them now there's still time to keep the original tour plan."

"No Ross. These girls need a home and a good one. I think ours would be perfect for them. Just give them a chance please. You get to meet them in 4 days. Just please give them a chance bro. For me?" I tried to convince my brother that what I was doing wasn't only good for the twins, but for all of us as a family.


"Sweet bro thanks! Now mom's making us breakfast and I believe the french toast should be ready any minute." and with that he was up and running inside to get some breakfast as if nothing was ever bothering him.

Hour and a half later (After breakfast)

"Ok see you later have fun at the beach guys!" I called to my family as they pulled out of the driveway. Once they were fully out of sight I walked back into the house to get ready for Kenzie and Michelle to arrive.

First thing I did was clean the livingroom by putting all the blankets away. After I took out the baby dolls and put them on the floor. I considered bringing out the LEGO but remembering how Kinley didn't touch anything but the dolls made me reconsider taking it out. So instead I just left it to the side. After I went to the kitchen to get a sippy cup for Kenzie ready. It had quater apple juice with water. Exactly like Kinley's was the other day only Kenzie's cup is purple with pink polka dots. Then I finished putting the breakfast dishes away. I was just about to go sit down when the door bell rang. I walked to the front door and saw Michelle standing there with Kenzie on her hip like she was with Kinley the other day. The main difference I noticed between the twins is that Kinley is extremely shy whereas Kenzie is shy but still willing to interact with you upon the first meeting. I welcomed Michelle and Kenzie into the house and after Kenzie had her shoes off she went straight for the toys on the floor in the livingroom. To my surprise she found the LEGO and played with that instead of the dolls I had laid out for her.

"Michelle would you like some water?" I asked like I have with the other visits. Like normal she said yes. I went up to Kenzie and asked her if she would like some apple juice, but unlike her sister she ran to Michelle and hugged her leg and hid her face instead of answering me. I decided it would be best to just leave her for now and bring the cup into the room with me and if she wants it she could just ask for it.

I came back into the livingroom with Michelle's glass of water and one for myself as well and Kenzie's sippy cup. Like the other times I handed Michelle her cup and she thanked me then I went to sit on the floor infront of Kenzie drinking my water and placing her cup on the floor beside me. She looked at me with her big blue puppy dog eyes and she too signed the word for "please" like her sister. I knew what she wanted and handed her the cup. I picked up some LEGO pieces and started building her name out of the pieces I had. When I was done I turned it to face her and she looked confused. So I said "It says Kenzie. Are you Kenzie?" she nodded and I tickled her tummy and said "yeah you are" as she giggled in the cutest way possible which made me laugh. She then came up to me and jumped on my stomach since I was laying down. I made a funny noise and that made her giggle some more. I took her under the arm pits and pushed her up high enough so I could get my feet on her tummy and then moved my hands to her tiny hands so we were in the air plane position. I moved her side to side as if the plane was turning and back and forth as if she were speeding up and slowing down. By this point she was laughing so hard I thought she was either going to throw up or pass out. So I put her down so she was sitting on my stomach. What she did next shocked me. She laid her head down on my chest and closed her sweet little eyes. She was drifting off to sleep on top of me. At this moment I couldn't think of anything better in the world than knowing that your future daughter trusted you enough to fall asleep in your arms. Michelle cleared her throat making it known that it was time for them to leave. I carefully got up off the floor making sure not to wake Kenzie up and walked with my baby girl in my arms to the front door. Michelle helped me by putting her shoes on. She then took her from me and we said our goodbyes until Thursday when I get to see my girls together for the first time. It felt wrong watching them drive down the street away from view and away from me. I felt like she needed to be with me. Like I needed to keep her here with me so that I know she is being protected, but I had to tell myself "calm down Riker. Only 6 more days till they are here with you forever." With that I walked into the livingroom to clean the mess Kenzie and I had created with the LEGO. Although I left her name together, I didn't have the heart to break it. I took the cups to the kitchen and loaded them into the dish washer. Then walked down stairs to the music room, sat down at the piano and started playing and loosing track of time. Just thinking about my girls.

What up guys?
So first of all I'd like to say thank you to my Cheesy for commenting and allowing me to update! Lol love you!

And anyways hope you all had a good day! I love you all! Please 2 comments and 2 votes for the next update.

Here are some questions to answer:

1. Do you think Ross is overreacting?

2. Which of the twins do you think is going to be more of the "Daddy's Girl"?

3. Do you think Riker will be a good father?

Till next time!
Adica ❤️

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