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 Eric stood there, completely unable to move in any way of any kind. So he just stayed there, his lips pursed, eyes wide open.

"Oh my god, I'm so fucking dumb." Juyeon shook his head, the lack of answer coming from the youngest was the only answer he needed. "I'm so sorry Eric, I shouldn't have-"

He was cut off by Eric's lips on his again, and slowly reciprocated the kiss, his hands flying to Eric's waist. They stayed like that for a good moment, and when they broke the kiss, Eric rested his head against Juyeon's shoulder, laughing a little.

"What are you even sorry for Juyeon, huh?" He looked up and smiled at Juyeon. "Are you sure about that Juyeon?"

"I know I don't like you just as a friend, and I know I've felt something for you since the beginning. You've been there for me when I needed someone, even though we've known each other for a short amount of time. I probably won't be the easiest person to have a relation with, but I want to try it. I like you Eric, that I'm sure of."

"Then let's try it." Eric smiled. "No pressure into anything, let's just see how this goes, alright?"

So that's what they did. They first started going out for a few weeks in secret just testing the waters, and getting to really know each other. Things were going pretty fine, and Eric discovered more and more everyday of the toxic relationship Hyunjae and Juyeon had. Every time he was absent, or late, or didn't answer his phone for a few hours, Juyeon panicked Eric could get mad at him, and the youngest had to reassure him every time that it was okay, as long as he was safe.

After around 2 months of dating, they finally told their friends about it. Hyunjae found out at the dance studio, and was not happy in the slightest, and made it very clear. He also dropped out of the dance team, and Haknyeon had to find a new partner. Things were quickly back to normal. The boys were working on their courses, and also their dance. Yeah, they were leaving the average young adults life. The four of them hung out quite a lot, they went on week ends, and trips together, living their best life. Juyeon and Eric had also worked a lot on their choreography, and being now a couple made it easier to work on a dance that implied Eros. They were more in sync that they'd ever been, and it was easy to see for everyone, especially their friends. They often were teased about being too sexual, or needing to get a room. Truth is, they didn't go that far yet. They had their fair share of arousal, on either side of the relationship, but they both decided to wait, to have solid bases for their relationship. Everything was going fine really, and Juyeon couldn't be anymore relieved.  

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