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I was walking the underground tunnels waiting for the last bits of sunlight to diminish and give me the freedom to go out. My gaze flicked to the water that ran next to me and I noticed something floating, cautiously getting closer I realized it was a body.

Without even a second thought I jumped in and dragged him out.

"Sir? Sir?" I began to grow anxious as I was unsure of what to do.

But it was an emotion short-lived as he shot up and began coughing.

"Easy, you're alright. Have to give you props for wanting to swim in the sewers," I teased.

He looked at me his eyes covered by a mask "Says the one who's dripping wet,"

"Well excuse me for jumping in to save your life," I quipped with a laugh, I stood up and held out my hand to help him up. "So what's with the mask?"

"I'm Robin,"

I gave him a confused look

"Teen Titans?" Robin added.

I shook my head.

"You're not from around here," Robin realized.

"What gave it away?" I joked.

"Because I think I'd remember the face of the person who just saved my life,"

I couldn't help but blush and point to the exit. "Go through there and you'll be back at the surface,"

"You're not coming?" Robin asked.

I shook my head.

"Can I at least get your name?"

I hesitated and finally looked at him with a smirk "Catch me again and I might consider it,"

Robin smirked "Well until next time," and with that, he left and I kept walking.


It was officially nighttime and I came out from underground.

"Looks like the boss was right," A voice said from the shadows.

I jumped as the voice came from behind me. I shook my head "No that's not possible..." I backed away from the two goons.

"Easy girly. Be a good girl and come quietly and you won't get hurt,"

"No matter the choices I still get hurt,"

"Not our problem. So what's your decision,"

"I choose neither,"

Twisting my hand the goon's shadow wrapped around his body and I ran only to have my hair yanked.

I screamed out in pain.

"Wrong decision chica," The second goon hissed.

"Let me go," I squirmed only causing him to chuckle.

"What happened to you?" The second goon asked his partner.

"Shut up," The first goon growled as he put his hand around my chin "That move is going to cost you,"

Before he could raise a fist, a birdarang hit him.

"Let her go," Another voice said.

I recognized the voice. "Robin," I breathed, using the distraction I shifted behind the goon holding me and kicked him onto the ground. I looked over and saw Robin had taken care of the first goon who was tied up.

"Woah," Robin marveled.

I handed Robin the birdarang "Thanks for the distraction," I looked at the first goon "Who sent you?"

"Like I'd tell a child," The Goon sassed.

My eyes flashed black as I smirked at him "I don't need you to tell me anything," touching his forehead I closed my eyes and focused. "Who's Slade?"

"I don't know we were only paid cash to get you. We never met the guy...I swear!"

"He's probably lying," Robin noted.

I tilted my head to the goon's shadow "No, he's telling the truth,"

We heard the coming sirens.

"We should go," Robin told me, I shook my head.

"People are after me, no matter how far I run..." I admitted.

Robin took my hand "We can help...The Teen Titans. And not saying you being underground is bad...but the Titan Tower there's an open room,"

Using my shadow manipulation I tripped him closer to me

"Are you saying I can't protect myself?" I teased.

"No I'm saying that I'm also looking for this Slade, so we can both find him together,"

I took a step back "Who says I want to find Slade?"

"By finding Slade, you can ensure you no longer have to run," Robin shot out a grappling hook onto a roof and held out his hand. "What do you say?"

I hesitated until I took his hand and we flew up onto the roof.

"I never did get a name,"

"I don't have one, well I don't remember it..." I admitted sheepishly. "But I remember the scientists always calling me Project: Shadow,"

"Shadow, welcome to the Teen Titans,"

Teen Titan ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now