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A robot reached for a red chip only to glance over to see Robin hanging from the ceiling.

"Tell Slade, if he wants this he can come get it himself," Robin declared.

A blast of shadow magic hit the robot backward as I revealed myself with the rest of the Teen Titans.

More robots came in from above, and it became a fight, but I could sense the difference in weapons when the robots faced me.

"Shadow!" Robin exclaimed as he pushed me out of the way of one of the robots.

I shook my head as I looked at Robin with worry. "It's not just the chip they're after,"

Robin balled up his fist as one of the robots stalked towards us until a computer database pushed it aside.

"Amazing what you can do with computers these days," Cyborg smirked.

One of Slade's goons began firing toward me, I used my shadows to shield myself as best as I could, only to freeze when I noticed to goon holding a stun gun aimed at me.

Raven used a wave of her magic to slam the goon away.

"Thanks," I nodded, still wary as my brain tried to go over the attack.

The team came back together as the goons grabbed the chip.

"Forget the girl," One of the goons said as he threw a smoke bomb causing them to disappear.

The team all looked at each other before turning towards me.

"I don't think the chip was the only thing they were after," I whispered.


"Okay. All work and no flicks make me a dull Beast Boy," Beast Boy said back at the tower. "So, my fellow couch potatoes, what'll it be, Super Ninja Showdown 8 or Maniac Fury, Attack of the Protozoids?"

"Gee." Raven replied sarcastically, "They both sound so good,"

"Yeah." Cyborg said, "It's really hard to pick. Want to watch them both?"

"Perhaps Robin and Shadow would enjoy potato-ing the couch with us," Starfire suggested. "Tell me, are they..."

"In the same place, he's been since his little chat session with Slade? Uh, yeah." Beast Boy said.

Starfire looked over at Raven.

"Shadow barricaded herself in her room, once she realized that the bots were after her as well," Raven said without looking up from her book.


Shadow knew it was risky coming back to where Slade's goons had attacked, but knew it was possibly the closest she could get to getting answers. She stood up when the window to the security center opened. "You working for Slade, tough guy?"

"Red X works alone," The mysterious figure replied as he raised his hand, a red x shot out.

Shadow used her shadows to fire at Red X, but he was able to deflect her moves quickly. She growled in frustration and lunged, only to be encased by a red x. She yelped as she landed on the roof.

Red X moved over Shadow. "If I were you, I wouldn't come looking for me beautiful,"

Shadow's eyes glowed black with rage.

Red X was blasted back as the other Teen Titans arrived. He took off running and disappeared off the roof.

"Yeah, you better run!" Cyborg declared as the team came up to their fallen team member.

Raven and Starfire helped Shadow up.

"Who was that guy?"


Red X was on screen with Slade, holding up the red chip. "Rumor has it you're interested in this,"

"I'm interested in many things, Mr..." Slade paused for a name.

"X. Red X,"

"Hmm." Slade hummed, "Catchy. So are you proposing a sale or a gift?"

"A partnership. I give you the chip. You cut me in on your plans,"

"Partnership? My, my, we are ambitious. But an alliance cannot be forged from one small chip. If you're going to win my trust, I'll require more,"

"Just tell me what you want,"

"Not what. Who,"

Teen Titan ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now