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"Your pathetic skills can't outshine the brilliance of Dr. Light!" Dr. Light declared as he fought the Teen Titans.

I teleported away when Dr. Light threw his plasma toward us.

Dr. Light turned towards me as I appeared on top of a truck "You're fast, but I doubt you'll enjoy moving at the speed of light!"

I created a shield only to be blown back by the light.

Beast Boy turned into a wolf and began to attack Dr. Light.

"A wolf is no threat when it's blind as a bat!" Dr. Light said.

Starfire took her turn to throw her star bolts at Dr. Light, but Dr. Light merely created a forcefield to protect himself.

"Watch yourself, lightweight." Cyborg teased as he held the tire axle and moved to hit Dr. Light with it "Things are about to get heavy!"

Dr. Light threw a plasma causing the truck to explode and Cyborg to be surrounded by concrete.


"Now, if nobody minds, I'll be taking the gold," Dr. Gold told the fallen members of the team.

"I mind," Raven declared. "Azarath Metrion Zin..." her chant was cut off by Dr. Light.

"Bit of advice. Find shorter magic words,"

Raven used her powers to throw a motorcycle toward Dr. Light. "Don't come any closer,"

"What's the matter? Afraid of the light?"

Tentacles came from Raven and grabbed Dr. Light.

"What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?" Raven taunted.

"Raven!" I called out "Stop!"

Robin hurried over to Dr. Light as I hurried over to my friend. "It's okay." he told Dr. Light "You're going to be alright,"

"It was, no, so dark," Dr. Light blabbered. "Make it stop. Make it stop,"

"Dude! Raven, what did you do?" Beast Boy asked.

I glared over at Beast Boy as Raven walked away from the team.

"What's her deal?" Beast Boy asked.

I shook my head and hurried after the purple-cloaked girl.


"Rise and shine, amigos. Breakfast is served," Beast Boy called out from the kitchen.

"Thanks, Beast Boy. Everything looks great," Robin said.

"On my planet, such a feast would mark the arrangement of a marriage. Tell me, Beast Boy, to whom are you engaged?"

I spat out my orange juice as I laughed.

Cyborg spat out his food as well, but for a different reason "That's not eggs! That's that tofu stuff!" he drank his cup to wash out the taste only to spit it out as well "Bwah! That's not even real milk!"

I looked past Beast Boy as Raven glided in "Hey, Raven. Want breakfast?"

"It's good." Beast Boy proclaimed "Wakey-wakey, tofu eggs, and bakey,"

"Herbal tea," Raven said.

"Come on, just one little taste. You could use a little food after the way you cooked Dr. Light,"

I used my shadows to cause the plate of Tofu in Beast Boy's hands to splatter on his face.

"Maybe you should go apologize," Robin reasoned to Beast Boy.

"Me?" Beast Boy argued. "I'm not the one who just turned breakfast into a battlefield!"

I scoffed as I stood up "It's no wonder you go by Beast Boy," I sighed as I looked towards where Raven had left the kitchen "Raven is...complicated. There is much about her that even I don't understand,"

"Then how are we supposed to deal with her? How can we even trust her? I mean..."

I crossed my arms "How can you trust a girl whose past is shrouded in darkness?"

"Yeah!" Beast Boy agreed only to realize what I had said "I mean..."

"She's our friend." Robin interrupted "What more do we need to know?"


"Oh, well, nobody's home," Beast Boy shrugged as he turned away from Raven's room. He screamed as I appeared behind me with my arms crossed.

"Did you even try to actually knock?" I asked as I knocked on the door, using the shadows to hold Beast Boy in place.

The door opened but nobody was there.

"Raven?" I called out.

"Well, she's not here. Come on," Beast Boy claimed as he turned but noticed I moved further in the room. "We're in Raven's room. We should not be in Raven's room. She doesn't let anybody in here, ever!"

"So this is our big chance to find out more about her,"

Beast Boy took a startled step back when glowing red eyes appeared in one of Raven's mirrors.

A hand grabbed Beast Boy and he grabbed me and we were both pulled into the mirror.

Teen Titan ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now