Nevermore [3]

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Beast Boy and I followed Raven through the maze until we reached an opening that was guarded by two stone statues.

"That's the end," Raven pointed out.

"Sweet!" Beast Boy cheered "Alright, Raven!"

"Um...Beast Boy," I started as I noticed Raven back up in fright.

The statues merged into one and held swords in their hands.

"No way," Beast Boy muttered.

"Told you you wouldn't like me when we got here," Raven said sadly as she disappeared.

The statue advanced on us.

Beast Boy turned into a bird to attack the statue from above while I used the darkness of the world we were on to power up my abilities to take it down.

"Yo, eight eyes!" Raven exclaimed when Beast Boy was caught by the statue. She kicked the statue in the face "Whoo-hoo! In your faces!" Raven continued to dodge the statue's attacks until she was able to slice it in half with her fingers. "Hoo-ah! High fives! Come on!"

I pinched my nose in confusion at Raven's constant mood swings.

"What is your deal?" Beast Boy questioned. "First you nuke breakfast then finally laugh at my jokes. Then, you're all weepy and now you're a marine? Make up your mind. Who are you?"

I looked up in shock when multiple Ravens appeared.

"I'm Raven," The group said simultaneously.

Beast Boy fainted at the sight.

"Oh, I get it," I smiled in realization. I pointed to the pink caped Raven "Happy," I pointed to the grey Raven "timid. Brave," I pointed to the green caped Raven.

"You forgot dopey," Pink Raven giggled.

I looked over at Beast Boy "Different sides of Raven's personality. We're not in Raven's home. We're in her head,"

"And I want you out," Raven seethed as she appeared, causing her emotions to disappear "The mirror you found is for meditation. It's a portal into my mind, not a toy!" she glared at Beast Boy.

"Hey, Shadow's here too," Beast Boy pointed toward me.

"Only because you dragged her into this,"

Beast Boy laughed sheepishly "He-he. My bad,"

The Ravens all began flying and cawing.

"You have to go, now," Raven told us.

"Raven, what's going on?" I asked.

"Last night something got loose something bad,"

"Oh, no, you don't!" Beast Boy argued "I've had it with this mystery-girl routine. I wanna know exactly what we're talking about here,"

A creature roared as it came into being, and it was huge. The creature was a red giant with eight eyes. "Hatred shall rule,"

"Let's just say, I have issues with my father," Raven admitted.

Raven's father shot lasers from his eyes and aimed at Raven. He fired them towards where Beast Boy and I were running towards the exit.

Raven landed in front of me and raised her arms "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

I shielded myself as Raven's father aimed his lasers once again only for us to be shielded by Raven's powers.

"Get out of my mind, now!" Raven ordered, her voice strained from using her powers.

"Not gonna happen," I told her as I stood up.

"It's my problem. I'll deal with it. If I lose, you'll be stuck in here forever,"

Raven's shield dissipated.


Beast Boy was flung from Raven's mind, but I was able to shadow-shift away from Raven's blast.

I watched as Raven flew up to face her father.

Raven was blasted by her father and knocked unconscious.

"Rage shall consume you," Raven's father proclaimed.

"Leave my friend alone!" I shouted as I fired my shadow at him causing him to let go of Raven. "Raven!" I created a portal underneath her and hurried over to her.

Raven groaned awake. "You stayed?"

"That's what friends do," I smiled at her as I held out my hand to help her up. I gasped when Raven's father appeared once again.

"Feel my fury!" Raven's father exclaimed.

Raven and I used our abilities to try and blast her father down, but nothing seemed to have an effect.

"He's too strong." Raven said as we hid behind some rocks "Even with your help, I cannot defeat him,"

"What about the other yous?" I suggested.

"It still wouldn't be enough. None of my other sides have the kind of power we need,"

I placed a reassuring hand on Raven's shoulder "Not alone, but what about together?" I let go with a slight blush dusting my cheeks "I mean...they're all part of who you are, right? But no matter what, I'll always have your back," I took a step back as Raven used her magic to summon the other Raven personalities, shielding my eyes as she was taken over by a bright light.

When Raven reappeared, her blue cape was replaced by a white one.

Raven floated towards her father and surrounded him with her black magic "You are going back where you belong!"

"Never!" Raven's father declared as he threw the shield off of him.

Raven threw a blast toward her father and became a duel of strength.

Raven's father was hit by the blast, when the smoke cleared a small red-caped Raven stood before Raven.

Raven absorbed the red color, reverting back to her original blue cape.

"Raven!" I ran over as she swayed. "I gotcha," I smiled as I caught her.

"Thank you," Raven said.


Raven and I exited her room to see Starfire, Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg surrounding the door.

"Where have you guys been?" Starfire questioned.

"Just getting to know each other," I smirked. "Right, Beast Boy?"

Beast Boy smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Come, friends. We shall prepare a new breakfast feast," Starfire declared happily.

"It's a little late for breakfast, Star," Beast Boy noted.

"Maybe just some herbal tea," I suggested.

"Actually," Raven spoke up "breakfast sounds nice,"

"Breakfast for dinner?" Beast Boy grinned "Coming up,"

"Oh, no!" Cyborg chased after Beast Boy "I'm cooking this time! We're having real eggs!"

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