Divide and Conquer [3]

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Plasmus splattered Starfire and me.

I wiped away what I could, but even I wasn't sure how many showers it would take to rid of the smell.

"I feel like the underside of a Zornian muck beetle," Starfire proclaimed.

"Tell me about it," I gagged.

"Dude!" Beast Boy exclaimed as he ran from Plasmus "I am not on the menu! Aah!"

Robin used his grappling hook to wrap Plasmus's leg together "Maybe the best way to take you down...is to tie you up!"

Beast Boy hit Plasmus in his Rhino form.

Starfire and Raven used their powers to mold the metal beams around Plasmus.

"We did it!" I cheered once Plasmus was down.

"Nice work, team!" Robin praised.

"Yeah! I didn't think we'd pull it off without..." Beast Boy was elbowed by Raven.

"We finished just in time. Cinderblock's been spotted downtown. Come on!"

We all heard sloshing behind us and watched as Plasmus melted through his binds.

"Uh...heads up," Beast Boy said.

We burst through the doors and quickly shut the door in front of Plasmus.

Plasmus pounded against the doors.

"We need a plan," Robin reasoned.

Starfire screamed when Plasmus's tentacle came through the door.

"Titans, separate!"

The team all moved throughout the factory, each of us chased by a piece of Plasmus.

Somehow, we all got cornered by the pieces...all except for Robin.

"Teen Titans! Go!" Robin and Cyborg exclaimed.

I had covered my eyes from the flash and noticed a human body now in place of Plasmus. "Well that explains the fear I was sensing from the goop," I noted looking back towards the team.


Raven, Beast Boy, Starfire, and I stood to the side watching as Plasmus's human form was taken away by the guards. We watched as Cyborg and Robin fist-bumped.

"You made up!" Starfire cheered. "Glorious! I wish to initiate a group hug,"

I used my ability to phase through Starfire's arm, not wanting to be squished in more of Plasmus's muck. "Pass,"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Beast Boy huffed "Warm fuzzies all around. But we still got to stop Cinderblock,"

"No, we don't," Cyborg admitted. "Thought I'd bring a present in case you were still mad,"

Cinderblock was raised in the air by the security guards.

"Thanks." Robin said "But there is one thing that's still bothering me. Breaking into jail, using Plasmus to distract us...the whole plan seems to be too smart for Cinderblock,"

"That is true." I nodded "He hardly has much of a brain for me to look into,"

"Someone must have been pulling the strings, but who?"

"Whoever they are, they're no match for the Teen Titans," Cyborg proclaimed.

"I heard that!" Robin cheered as he high-fived Cyborg.

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