The Sum of His Parts [2]

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"Cyborg is not inside!" Starfire informed once the team caught up to the crashed dump trunk.

"And his locator signal is being jammed," Robin added. "This doesn't make sense. Why would Mumbo want to kidnap Cyborg?"

"Guys! Over here," Beast Boy said as he saw Mumbo's hat on the ground. "I found something,"

"I wouldn't..." I warned.

Doves flew from the hat covering us in feathers.

"Way to go," Raven said.

The team looked up to see items going haywire.

"I'll say this much for Mumbo he's an easy act to follow," Beast Boy noted.

"Oh, I would commit myself to a life of muck shoveling in the filth mines of cornex if Cyborg could only be returned safely," Starfire said.

"He was malfunctioning," Raven recalled. "He shouldn't have been helping,"

"I tried to stop him," Robin reasoned "but he's Cyborg,"

"Mumbo Jumbo!" Mambo chanted from afar.

We followed Mumbo's voice and found him getting money from the ATMs

Mumbo looked over and saw us standing there "Sorry, folks." He used his hat to suck up all the money "No time for autographs,"

"Titans, get him!" Robin ordered.

I used the shadows to shift in front of Mumbo to cut him off.

"Open sesame!" Mambo chanted as he opened his portal and went through.

I tried to follow but it snapped shut as I got close.

Thankfully, Beast Boy was ready in his bull form.

Mambo raised his cape causing Beast Boy to run into a brick wall. "Ole!"

Starfire flew overhead and fired her star bolts at him.

"Flowers for the lady," Mambo threw flowers causing them to explode in front of Starfire.

Robin jumped in front of Mumbo.

"Abracadabra!" Mambo said.


The team hurried across the rooftops of the city after Mambo.

"Abracadabra! Alakazam!" Mambo chanted as he fired his magic at the team "Hocus-pocus! You'll never stop the amazing Mumbo. Never! Ne..."

I used my shadow ability to help Robin sneak past Mumbo and grab the wand.


Robin snapped the wand in half allowing the team to surround the now normal Mumbo. "No more tricks! Where is Cyborg?"

"How should I know?"

"Where is he?"

I tilted my head as the shadows spoke to me while the team continued to interrogate Mumbo.

"You took him from the junkyard." Raven reminded.

"What have you done with him?" Starfire demanded.

"Nothing," I spoke up "When you broke the wand, you broke all his spells. Even if he had done something, it would be over now,"

Mambo nodded in agreement "Poof! He'd be standing right here,"

"If Cy's not with him then he's still back at...The junkyard!" Beast Boy realized.

"So do I still have to go to jail?"

I glared down at Mumbo.

"I thought so,"


I jumped down the hole at the Junkyard "His battery pack! He must have fallen down here,"

Robin jumped down next to me "Star, can you give us some light?"

The team called for our fallen companion as we journeyed through the tunnel.

"Guys..." I called out as the shadows began to scream at me "I think we're being followed,"

Through Starfire's green glow we were met with the red eyes of other robotics.

"Wow..." Beast Boy marveled. "Uh...any of you guys seen a dude about this tall with one red eye and a titanium body armor?"

"Teen Titans, go!" Robin ordered.

Thankfully because of the darkness of the shadows I was at peak strength and able to punch a few bots down.

The robots powered down when it seemed like we didn't put a dent in their numbers.

I tilted my head as I listened to the shadows as they whispered. I perked up and took off running.

"Shadow!" Robin called out.

I hurried until I found myself looking in a rundown lab, Cyborg was kneeling on the ground. "Cyborg, are you okay?"

Cyborg nodded as he stood up "Yeah,"

"So beautiful," A robot proclaimed. "I had forgotten how beautiful...the world...through your eyes,"

"Through human eyes. The same kind you have," Cyborg told the man.

"Perhaps, I am the one in need of repairs,"

"And maybe I'm the guy who can help repair you," Cyborg held out his hand to help up the man.

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