Nevermore [2]

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"Uh, where are we?" Beast Boy asked as the duo had landed on another world.

I covered my ears as the shadows shouted at me "I don't know... nowhere good,"

"Can you teleport us back?"

I shook my head "The energy here is different. It's hard to say what could happen,"

"We're on a rock in the middle of..." Beast Boy stopped when the rocks moved to form a bridge. "If sending us to Weirdville is Raven's idea of a joke I am so not laughing,"

"She didn't send us here," I reminded. "You're the one who touched the magic mirror,"

"Who booby-traps a mirror?"

I shrugged "Maybe it wasn't a trap. Maybe it's Raven's way home. Maybe this is where she's from,"

"Definitely creepy enough,"

"Turn back," A voice called out.

"Like I was saying..."

"Turn back. Turn back. Turn back. Turn back,"

Beast Boy looked up at the talking ravens "Sweet! Betcha they can tell us how to get home,"

"Careful," I warned.

"Hello? Remember me? Beast Boy? If they were dangerous, I'd know,"

"Don't say I didn't warn you," I huffed.

"Hey, little guys, my buddy and I were wondering if..." Beast Boy looked up only to see the Ravens had disappeared.

The Ravens were at his feet "Turn back, turn back." they showed their sharp teeth.

Beast Boy screamed as he ran back towards me.

I used my shadows to shield myself as they flew toward me.

"Get 'em off me, get 'em off me!" Beast Boy shrieked.

"Hey, guys," Raven greeted.

I turned and noticed Raven wearing a pink cape.

"What's up?"

"Since when did you wear pink?" I asked.

Raven laughed when Beast Boy tripped.

"Raven, how did...Where are...What just...Why are you wearing pink?" Beast Boy wondered.

Raven laughed "'Cause it's my favorite color,"

"It is?" Beast Boy and I asked.

I shook my head "We can talk about that later. How do we get home?"

"The forbidden door, it's the only way out, but you don't wanna go there, not now," Raven replied.

"Yeah, we do," Beast Boy said.

"'Kay, but don't say I didn't warn ya," Raven held out her arms and began imitating an airplane as she headed towards the forbidden door.

"Have you ever seen her this happy?" I asked Beast Boy.

"I didn't even know Raven could do happy," Beast Boy admitted as we walked through the door.

But the door leads us to another part of the world.

"Now where are we?" I asked as I looked around the sunny pink-filled forest.

A strawberry floated towards us.

"I think this might be where air fresheners come from," Beast Boy claimed.

Raven laughed. "Good one!"

"Your laughing at one of my jokes?"

"Sure. I've always thought you were funny, BB, but, hey, looks aren't everything,"


"She ditched us!" Beast Boy declared as he and I followed the path through the world "I can't believe Raven ditched us! Next time I see her, it's not gonna be pretty,"

I stopped walking when I noticed we were back where we had started. "Did we just go in circles?"

Beast Boy jumped when Raven appeared in front of us, but this time in a grey cloak. "Where were you? Shopping for robes?"

"Beast Boy!" I scolded when Raven shrank back and began crying. I placed a reassuring hand on Raven's shoulder. "He didn't mean it." I nodded towards another gateway "That's the forbidden door. Right, Raven?"

Raven nodded.

"Great we're almost..." Beast Boy was stopped when we became trapped inside a maze. He turned into a Raven and flew up to find a way out only to be zapped. "Great,"

"It's a maze." Raven said "You can't get out. You have to go through. I can show you the way, but when we reach the end you won't like me anymore." she looked back at Beast Boy "He already doesn't like me,"

"Come on. That's not..."

Raven started walking off.

"Gee, Raven, moody much?"

"She is like a whole different person," I nodded in agreement.

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