Mask [Final]

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"Excellent work," Slade said as he came into the room and noticed a bound and unconscious Shadow at Red X's feet. "Honestly, I couldn't have done better myself,"

"So, do we have a deal?" Red X asked.

"Indeed. You and I are so very much alike. It seems only natural that we should be partners,"

"What do you need her for?" Red X glanced back at Shadow. "I need to know what we're planning, partner,"

"Patience. You can't expect me to trust you with such sensitive information right away...can you...Robin?"

Robin's eyes widened when one of Slade's robots grabbed Shadow and brought her over to Slade.

The lights in the room turned on to reveal Robin surrounded by other robots. As Robin prepared to fight, an explosion shook the room.

"Titans, go!" Cyborg shouted.

Robin took off after Slade, and Slade grabbed the unconscious Shadow.

Cyborg grabbed Robin by his cape, believing him to be Red X "Gotcha!"

"Let go!" Robin exclaimed as he pointed after Slade. "Stop him!"

Starfire flew in and saw the trouble. "No. Release him! He is..."

Robin took off the Red X mask. "Me!"

"Robin?" Raven questioned.

"Slade's getting away, and he has Shadow. Come on!" Robin hurried after the orange and black villain, leaving the other Titan members to fight the robots.


Robin faced Slade on the roof of the building.

"Careful." Slade taunted, "I wouldn't want Shadow getting hurt,"

"I won't let you hurt her!" Robin exclaimed. "Now, hand her over,"

"Robin, I thought we had a deal,"

"Sorry. I have a strict rule against giving my teammates to psychos,"

"How very noble of you, but abducting to trap me that wasn't so noble. Two wrongs don't make a..."

"Don't ever lecture me! Whatever you're planning, Slade, it's over,"

"On the contrary, Robin, it's just begun," Slade ran at Robin, and the duo began fighting.

Slade overpowered Robin's attacks and kicked him over the roof's edge.

Robin clung to the edge, screaming as his grip lessened, and he fell into the evening traffic below him. He was surprised when Slade grabbed his arm. "You saved me?"

"I'm not through with you," Slade reasoned as he threw Robin towards Shadow. 

"This ends now!"

"Robin, stop," Shadow said weakly.

The other Titans stood next to the girl, Raven helping her stand.

Shadow used her powers to pull Slade's mask off, revealing that Slade had fooled everyone once again with a robot.

"Patience, Robin," Slade said on a video screen. "We'll meet face-to-face some other time. Oh, and speaking of time,"

A countdown appeared on the screen.

Robin jumped away from the robot as it exploded.

"Ha! At least he didn't get Shadow," Beast Boy reasoned.

Shadow glared at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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