Divide and Conquer

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"You know, Cinderblock," Beast Boy said as said Criminal entered the prison "Normally the bad guys break out of jail,"

"And I can think of 6 good reasons why you don't want to break in," Robin said. "One!"

"2!" Starfire counted as she flew in.

"3!" Beast Boy said as he transformed from his tiger form.

"4!" Raven counted.

"5!"  Cyborg said.

"6!" I counted as shifted into the room.

"No matter how you do the math, it all adds up to you going down." Robin said, "So, are you going to go quietly?"

"Or is this gonna get loud?" Cyborg asked.

Cinderblock growled as he charged towards us.

"Titans! Go!" Robin cheered.

The team took off and we began to fight off Cinderblock.

Cinderblock hit Robin back. He grabbed Starfire.

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look," Starfire told Cinderblock as her eyes glowed green before she kicked him to release her.

Beast Boy transformed into a raven and flew to claw at Cinderblock before changing into a T-rex to ram him.

Cinderblock pushed back.

"Azarath Metreon..." Raven chanted only to stop when Beast Boy landed on top of her or would have if a shadow hadn't moved Raven away. "Thanks," she told me.

I nodded as I was concentrating on using Cinderblock's shadow to trip him up. "Thrashing only makes them hold tighter," I warned Cinderblock.

Cinderblock took out a support beam to hit me with but Raven was able to shield us.

"Now, there's an idea," Cyborg noted as he took out his support beam. He was able to get a few good hits in before Cinderblock reared back and hit Cyborg causing him to slide backward.

Cinderblock raised his weapon towards Raven, Starfire, and I but Starfire used her ability to melt the bar. Cinderblock took off running.

Robin held out his hand for Cyborg. "Want to give this guy the sonic boom?"

Cyborg smirked as he turned his arm into a blaster "I got sonic if you got the boom. Yo, rockhead!"

Cinderblock turned towards Robin and Cyborg as they ran towards him.

But Cyborg and Robin tripped on the other causing Cyborg's sonic cannon to hit Beast Boy and Starfire. While Raven and I had to shield from Robin's flash grenade.

Once the stars in my eyes disappeared I noticed the inmates running towards us and we got ready for a fight.


"I think we're gonna make it!" Prisoners cheered as they ran out of the prison "Yeah!"

I used their shadows to hold them in place while Raven used her powers to block their exit. "Think again,"


The team remained at the prison as the guards placed the prisoners back in their cells.

"Jailbreak?" Beast Boy asked as he transformed back from his gorilla form "I don't see any jailbreak,"

"None of us would have seen one if Cyborg hadn't messed up," Robin argued.

"Me?!" Cyborg exclaimed "I messed up nothing. You got in my way,"

"You were too far forward, and Cinderblock got away because of it,"

"You're saying this is my fault?!"

"Want me to say it again?"

Starfire moved between the duo's glare fest "Stop! No more mean talking,"

Robin and Cyborg turned away from each other.

"Yeah. If you two are gonna fight, we need time to sell tickets," Beast Boy joked.

"Cinderblock escaped," Raven reminded the team. "No amount of yelling will change that. So stop acting like idiots, and let's go home,"

"Loser," Robin muttered under his breath.

"Jerk," Cyborg said quietly.

"What did you say?!" The boys exclaimed as they got in each other's faces again.

"You have a problem, tin man?!" Robin asked.

"Yeah. It's 4 feet tall and smells like cheap hair gel!" Cyborg exclaimed.

"Well, you're an oversized klutz, and your feet smell like motor oil,"

"You're bossy, you're rude, you got no taste in music!"

"I don't even know why you're on this team,"

"That makes two of us! I quit!"

The team went silent as Cyborg walked off.

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