Mask [2]

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"I had no idea Red X would pose such a threat," Robin told Shadow as he placed a hand over hers. "I should have been there,"

Shadow moved her hand away, retreating to her mind.

"You bet you should have been there," Beast Boy argued as he showed Robin his hair. "Look what he did to my do! I'm looking at two months of bad hair days!"

"Even if you had been there, it wouldn't have made any difference." Raven reasoned as she tried sending a calming aura over to shadow.

"Dude knew exactly how to bring each of us down," Cyborg added. "I guarantee he had a gadget with your name on it,"

Shadow stood up with a sigh. "You shouldn't feel guilty, Robin. I'm here now; that's all that matters,"

"We are all eager to learn what you have discovered about Slade," Starfire pointed out, causing Shadow to stop and turn around toward the team leader.

Robin looked away from Shadow's gaze "Nothing. Lead was a dead end. I should get back to work,"

Starfire moved over to Shadow, but she brushed off the redhead's advance and headed towards the roof.


Shadow knocked on Robin's door. "Robin?"

The door slid open, and she entered.

Shadow remained calm as she could sense Robin in the room. "You wanted to talk?"

"I wanted to apologize for earlier," Robin said as he walked up to her as he handed her a mug of tea.

Shadow brought the mug to her nose, breathing in the calming aroma of Jasmine. "You didn't have to make me tea. I already forgive's not your fault." she turned towards Robin's board about Slade. "Slade will hire whoever it takes to get me," Shadow took a sip to calm her nerves.

"I was afraid I betrayed your trust,"

"You saved my life and brought me into your team," Shadow smiled as she looked over a photo of a news article revealing herself to the world as the Teen Titans' newest member.

"I lied earlier..." Robin admitted.

"What do you mean?"

"I did find a lead,"

Shadow perked up at the mention. "What did you find out? Why would you hide it from the team?" she watched Robin look down. "Robin, what's wrong?"

"Would you do whatever it took to figure out Slade's motives?"

Shadow took another sip of tea as she mulled over the thought. "If it meant figuring out what Slade wanted with me...yes,"

"I'm glad you said that,"

"Why..." Shadow held her head as everything began to swim around her. She fell to the ground, but Robin was quick to grab her in his arms. "Robin, I don't feel so good,"

"The effects should last long enough for me to get what I need out of Slade,"

"Slade? Wh..." Shadow turned towards Robin and realized what he was wearing. "You," her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Robin knelt down to put power-dampening cuffs around her wrist. "I'm sorry, Shadow. This is the only way I know I can get Slade to reveal what he wants," he placed his Red X mask over his face.

Teen Titan ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now