Forces of Nature

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Raven and I watched as Beast Boy set up a giant rubber band.

"This is gonna be so sweet," Beast Boy laughed as he held a balloon in his hands.

"What are you doing?" Raven asked.

Beast Boy flipped and almost dropped the balloon. He looked over at us.

I cringed in realization "Please tell me this isn't another ridiculous prank,"

"Okay. It's not a ridiculous prank," Beast Boy claimed. "It's a brilliant one. Haha!"

I began to walk away but Raven used her powers to bring me back.

"Alright, check it out. Remember how Cyborg put red dye in my shampoo and I turned brown for two days? Well, sisters, it's payback time. I give you, the Beast Boy Insta-Lube 9000,"

"Gross," I muttered.

"See, when Chrome Dome steps around the corner. His foot tugs the string, the string trips the lever. The lever releases the mother of all rubber bands which sends a balloon load of motor oil flying right at him and whoosh! Pretty clever, huh?"

"You're a genius," Raven said sarcastically.

"It's just a little good clean dirty fun," Beast Boy heard the door open "Here he comes," he dragged me and Raven over to the corner.

I used the shadows to figure out who was coming "I do not think..."


"But what if..."


"Why are we hiding?" Cyborg asked from behind us.

"Shh!" Beast boy's eyes widened in realization and screamed "Cyborg? You can't be Cyborg,"

"I can't?"

"If you're you, then who's..." Beast Boy realized what was about to happen "No-o-o!"

"Eek!" Starfire said when she got hit by Beast Boy's motor oil balloon.


"You okay?" I asked the redhead.

"This is punishment?" Starfire asked innocently. "I did something wrong?"

"You didn't." Raven corrected as she glared at Beast Boy "He did,"

Beast Boy smiled sheepishly. "Star, it was. You weren't supposed to, uh...I didn't..." he chuckled nervously "Just remember to change that oil every 3000 miles,"

"On my planet, we have a name for those who do such terrible things," Starfire said angrily "You are a, a Clorbag Varblernelk!"

"I'm a what-bag?" Beast Boy asked looking at us.

"You heard the lady," Cyborg said.

"You are such a Clorbag," I said with a shake of my head.

"Come on, you guys. Can't anybody take a joke?" Beast Boy wondered.

I jumped when the thunder shook the tower.

"Titans," Robin called out "trouble!"

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