\\Chapter two//

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"Good morning, sunshine!" Seanna awoke me.

"What time is it?" I asked, trying to gather my surroundings.

"5:35. You don't have to be up for another two hours, but my plane leaves at 6:40 so I was just saying bye." I stood up and hugged her.

"Have fun and be safe back in North Carolina." I smiled.

"You know it." She laughed.

After saying our goodbyes, I listened for the front door to close, then went right back to sleep as soon as it did.


Seven o'clock came bright and early for me. I didn't care, though, because I was excited to start a new chapter in my life.

After eating a bowl of Trix cereal, I changed into my official team shirt they ordered for me. 'Atlanta Braves Baseball Official Manager' it read. I have to wear it to everything; practices, meetings, games. I also had to wear khaki shorts with the nicest pair of Nikes I owned. Their dress code wasn't too bad, but very specific.

After applying my makeup and looking over myself one more time in the mirror, I grabbed my keys and headed out.

It was already 83 degrees and it was only eight freaking thirty. Georgia living was going to take some getting used to.

I blasted the A/C as soon as I got in, the smell of vanilla from my air vents hit my nostrils as I put my seatbelt on. 'Safety first!' I laughed to myself in my mind.

The traffic was going to take some getting used to as well. But, I didn't get lost so at least I've marked that off my list.

I went into the door they had told me on the Skype call, and a middle - aged man was there waiting for me.

"Ms. Bailey!" He said hugging me.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Brown?" I smiled.

"That's me!" He smiled back.

"Well, let's go and get your tour started, shall we?" I nodded in reply and we were off.

Our first stop was the locker room. Also the place where my equipment was going to be, which included my bag that held things like tape and mouth guards.

"Gentlemen, are you decent?" He said through the door before we went in.

I laughed.

"Yes." They all replied.

We walked in, but I let Mr. Brown lead the way. I took everything in, also noticing the same guy from yesterday lacing up him cleats.

HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID? The guy was Freddie Freeman; first baseman. He had amazing batting stats and averaged at least two home runs a game.

We quickly made it through, most of the guys being busy with things and not really paying attention to us.

We then went through a door that led to the dugout.

"This is where you'll be spending most of your time." He said, holding the door for me.

Dirt, bubblegum wrappers, and bats were everywhere. There were also two men dressed in suits walking on the field, talking.

"I can make it work." I joked.

"Now, let's go to merchandise!" And we were off again.

We walked onto the field, then up a set of stairs which led back inside.

"This is Miss Vann, she gives the fans what they want. Aka merchandise."

She laughed, her elbows on the table in front of her.

"Hi, Mr. Brown. How are you?"

"I'm doing great! And yourself?"

"Just dandy!" She smiled.

"This is Ryder Bailey, our new team trainer." He introduced.

We shook hands.

"I'm Kellie."

"Hi!" I replied.

"Welp, it's time for you to get started, Miss Ryder." Mr. Brown announced.

"Wish me luck!" I whisper screamed to Kellie as I walked back towards the dugout.

She smiled and crossed her fingers, then got back to work.

Walking back towards the field, the players were starting their jogs.

"This are the buckets that you'll need to fill up with water, sometimes Gatorade, but that doesn't happen often." He laughed at the end.

"Oh! Let me run back to the locker room and get your training bag." He jolted off, so I awkwardly stood there watching the boys jog.

"Hey!" The same guy from yesterday stopped at the fence in front of me. I walked towards it.

"You're that girl from my apartment complex." He smiled.

"That's me." I laughed.

"Well, girl from my apartment complex, I'm Freddie." He stuck his hand out. I reached up over the fence and shook it.

"Well, Freddie, I'm Ryder." I smiled.

"Cool name."

I shrugged,

"I guess."

"Freeman! Get to work and stop flirting with the trainer!" The first basemen coach yelled.

"Bye!" He smiled, then he was gone.

"Alright, here we are." Mr. Brown announced.

I turned around and saw a black over - the - shoulder bag with their famous 'A' on the front of it. I unzipped it and looked through the contents.

"Well, it's official! Welcome to the Braves," Mr. Brown smiled.

"Now you can get started filling the buckets with ice then water. I'm sure they'll be attacking you soon." He hugged me, then I was all alone.

I grabbed the water hose and turned it on, letting the liquid wash out the dirt that was in the Gatorade buckets.

I then piled in a combined four bags of ice to them, packing bottles of water in it so they'd be nice and cold when they needed them.

"Hey, hey." Kellie announced, sitting on the wooden bench behind me.

I turned around to greet her,

"Hi. Shouldn't you be up stairs?"

"Eh, it was dead af." She replied.

"Did you just say af?" I laughed.

She shrugged, smiling.

A few of the guys started to come into the dugout, attacking the buckets.

"Have fun." She joked, then went back to her post.

Today was going to be a long, hot day.

A/n: Freddie and the boys play the Marlins in their second game tonight. Let's get the W !!

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