\\Chapter Five//

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Day two of spring training, Atlanta Georgia.

"Uh, Kellie, what is Luke Kuechly doing in our hotel room?" I stood halfway out of my room door on my way to training.

"Is he, wait. No way!" I smiled.

"Aw, y'all are dating?" They nodded.

"Hey, won't be long til you and Mr. First baseman are either." She replied.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"Y'all have fun, I'm heading to practice." I called out the door as my phone rang.

"Bye!" They called back.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey!" My cousin, Seanna, cheered on the other end.

"Hey, how's North Carolina?" I questioned walking down the hall.

"It's going awesome. Miss you though." She replied.

"I miss you too. I'll come to see y'all before the regular season starts."

"Alright, well, I'll talk to you later!"

"Okay, love you, cuz."

"Love you too!" We hung up as I waited for the elevator to reach my floor.

As I stepped on, I was met by a few of the guys.

"Ryder!" Shelby Miller yelled to me as him, Freddie, Julio, and Christian stepped on.

"Shelby!" I hugged him.

"Hey, where's my hug?" Freddie said with a 'sad' face.

I rolled my eyes jokingly, then hugged him tightly. I guess things weren't going to be as awkward as I thought they would be.

"You gotta give your lover - boy a hug!" Julio stated, causing the whole elevator to erupt in laughter, except me because my face was probably the color of a tomato. Freddie's face was also red, but he was laughing too.

"Yeah, he knows." I smirked, causing the guys to all go "oooo!".

Soon after, the elevator arrived at the bottom floor.

"What was that back in the elevator?" He questioned quietly as we walked across the parking lot and a small road that led to the stadium.

"Well, last night you kissed me and then this morning act like nothing happened. But I don't care." I shrugged.

I lied, maybe I cared a little. But like coach said, we've gotta keep our love life off the field.

"If I didn't have some type of feelings for you, do you think I would've kissed you?" He questioned.

I sighed,

"I don't know. Athletes are so back and forth. But I never said I didn't enjoy it." I smirked, then jogged to the dugout to get my stuff ready for the day.

"Hey, talk to you later?" Freddie questioned from the fence as I was cleaning out the buckets.

"You tell me." I smiled.

"6:15?" He asked.

"It's a date."

He winked, pointing at me. This caused me to blush and smile as I continued to work.

"Hey," he called from his position at first.


"You look pretty today." He smiled.

"Get to work, Freeman!" Coach Gonzales called from beside me.

I laughed, and started pouring the ice into the buckets.

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