\\Chapter Eleven//

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The next couple of weeks were pretty fun. They were super stressful, but I guess that comes with the job when you work on an MLB team.

We were finally back home at Turner Field and I was excited for the game, but prayed no one would get hurt because nobody has yet. The guys were excited, but I was nervous because my parents were going to be here for tonight's game. They don't know about mine and Freddie's relationship, but I guess tonight would be when I'd tell them.

The guys were slightly nervous, but a good kind of nervous. The Club House was full of laughter and excitement, the guys snapping selfies and doing interviews.

"Ryder! Selfie time!" Jason Grilli called me over.

I jogged over and smiled up at the camera.

"Cute!" I laughed, then went over to Freddie who was just finishing up an interview.

"Hey there, cutie pie." He smiled and hugged me, picking me up off ground the ground like he hadn't seen me in weeks.

"Why are you hugging me like I've been gone to war?" I giggled.

"I just wanna embrace my favorite girl." He smiled.

"Aw!" Kellie, Alex, Shelby, and Andrelton all sang.

"Okay guys, group picture time!" Coach G called to our attention.

It took us somewhere around five minutes to get everyone in line and to smile, but we somehow got it. I had a feeling tonight was gonna be a crazy game.


"Bailey, let's go look at Chris!" I was called up by Fredi G, who waited for me to meet him at the dugout stairs.

Chris had dove for a grounder ball to third, his hand sliding and digging into the dirt, and now he was waiting for us to look at it.

We jogged across the field, me reaching him first. I could tell he was in a heck of a lot of pain.

"Hey, bud, tell me where it's hurting." I tried my best to comfort him.

"The back of my hand running up into my pinky." He showed me. It was a bit swollen, the side of his hand was bleeding and his pinky was purple. I already knew what it was; a broken hand.

"Coach, he needs to let me go X-Ray it." I told him.

"No, I'm fine." He protested.

"No, she knows what's best for you in this situation, and you're going to listen to her," He told him, Chris still standing at his position on third.

"Now get to the Club House." We jogged off, fans clapping for him because he was okay from what they could see.

"Do you and Freddie bang during spring training?" He bluntly asked me, causing me to laugh a little too loud.

"Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"Have a seat over there." I pointed to an arm chair beside a desk, waiting for him to reply while I grabbed my bag.

"Because I already know the answer." He shrugged, smiling a smug smile.

"How?" I whine, laughing a little bit.

"Ah, so you did!" He replies as I sit down.

"I thought you said you already knew!" I hit him lightly with my bag, then put it on the table. He threw his head back in laughter.

"You jerk!" I blush, our laughter filling the empty club house.

"He's my best friend, you know he's gonna tell me everything that y'all do." He admitted.

"Okay, flatten your hand out as far as you can." I tell him. He does so, but his face says that he's in pain.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" I questioned, flipping his hand so his palm is facing upward.

"A little. Do you think it's broke?" He questions.

"I hate to break your heart, but yeah. I'll get you a recommendation to an orthopedic doctor and go from there, alright?" I stand up, patting him on the back.

"Hey, Ryder?" Chris starts.

"Hey, what?" I reply.

"Be good to my boy, alright?" He replies.

I laugh before answering,

"You don't have to worry about that."

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