\\Chapter Nineteen//

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*Ryder's POV*

I walked into Freddie's apartment. I was worn out after the game and just wanted to see him and then go to bed. Since Freddie is on the DL he usually doesn't come to a lot of games.

"Hello?" I asked to a seemingly empty place as I took my purse off. I slid my Under Armors off and left them at the door then walked towards the bedroom.

"Freddie?" I questioned as I put my purse on the couch.

I walked into the workout room to see him running on the treadmill, shirtless with earbuds in. I leaned up against the door and watched him. He was sweating with the splint off his wrist.

"Freddie." I said at a normal tone.

"Freddie." I said louder.

"Oh, hi." He slowed down and turned the treadmill off, smiling at me.

"You look cute." He hugged me tightly, then winced at the pain in his wrist.

"Honey, where's your splint?" I looked up at him.

"Not on me." He laughed a little.

"That's not funny! You're gonna hurt it even worse!" I whined.

"No I'm not, I've been down this road before." He kissed my head and went back into the other part of the apartment.

"I don't care, Fredrick." I followed him, my arms crossed.

"It is my job as the team trainer to make you follow the rules." I tried to be serious but it wasn't working.

"You're the cutest thing ever." He laughed as he grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.

"You really need to be careful. I hate seeing you in pain." I softly took his wrist into my hand. It was swollen.

"Ouch." He winced as I felt near his thumb.

"That's why you need to wear your brace." I got it off the counter where he put it and walked back over to him.

I put it on him and Velcroed it back, then kissed his hand.

"If you keep that on like you're supposed to you'll be good as new in just a few days. Have patience, my love." I grinned at him.


A few hours later we somehow wound up on the couch, watching Forest Gump because for some crazy reason Freddie had never seen it as we told stories.

"Wait, Jenny's a hippie now?" He questioned. I giggled.

"Yeah. It's the 70s, so." I replied.

"Tom Hanks, always gotta go for the rebels." He shook his head jokingly in disbelief.

"Have you ever got in a fight?" I randomly questioned.

"Yeah. In middle school." He looked over at me. My back was propped up against the couch and my legs were on top of his.

"Really? My little innocent Freddie got in a fight? I don't believe it." I smiled.

"Yeah, I have a good excuse, though. Let me tell you the story," he started.

"This Asian kid was being picked on a lot by these football players. Yeah I know I was a baseball player so I was basically equal with them, but I wasn't nearly as rude as them. Anyways, they were trying to hit him so I jumped in and punched one of them in the face." I laughed but I was also happy at how sweet he was.

"I got suspended but the guy and I are really good friends now." He finished. I grinned at him as he recalled the story.

"What?" He looked down at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing. You're just adorable telling stories." I replied truthfully.

"I love you." He giggled and blushed, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Get some sleep, you've had a long day." He told me, then picked me up at my hips and put me over his shoulder.

"Put me down! You know I'm scared of heights!" I kicked my legs.

"Nope!" He opened the door and put me on the bed. His head was on my stomach and I was playing with his hair.

"What happened to going to bed?" I questioned playfully.

"Going to bed and going to sleep are two different things." He smirked at me.

"Hush! I'm going to sleep." I jumped up to head to the bathroom, but he grabbed me before I could start running.

"Stooopppp!" I whined as he tickled me.

"Okay, go brush your nasty teeth!" He joked and slapped my butt as I left.

I laughed to myself as I got my toothbrush and toothpaste. We had different ones because Freddie only liked a certain kind, I have no idea why, he was just super picky. I put my hair up and brushed my teeth, then headed back to bed.

I got in on my side as Freddie replied to a text. He looked stressed and I wanted to know why. He locked his phone and threw it on the covers in front of him, rubbing his face afterwards.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked him as I turned over, my hands under my head.

"Oh, nothing." He hesitated for a second. I really didn't wanna push him, so I flipped over and turned the light off, covering myself up.

"Goodnight, Ryde. I love you." Freddie hugged me and kissed my ear.

"I love you." I said quietly and felt for his hand, falling asleep soon after.

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