\\Chapter Fourteen//

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The hospital was a very dark, depressing, and downright lonely place. I hated them, but even more when someone I was close to was in one.

Dad had gotten a bit better as the night carried on and I even got to talk to him. It calmed me down a little. But I knew at any moment, things could change. And that's just what they were about to do.

"Code Blue, room 2235. West Wing." The loud system announced. I froze, grabbing on to Cameron's arm. We were both in the cafeteria eating and trying to catch up.

I jumped up and ran out of the double doors that would take you to the hallway outside the cafe, sprinting down the long hallway, Cameron not far behind. I hadn't ran this hard since I ran track in high school. I cried into Cameron's chest as we waited for the elevator.

"This can't be happening." I grabbed at my hair as we got on.

Mom, Alex, and Addison were all standing outside of the door, a nurse trying to keep them calm.

"Dad!" I cried, Cameron pulling me away as I tried to claw my way to his door.

"Daddy! Please don't die! Please don't!" I screamed.

"Calm down, shh." Cameron tried to keep me sane, but that wasn't going to work.

I ran towards a nurse that had just been working on him.

"Please let me see him. Please." I begged, tears blurring my vision.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I can't right now." She patted my shoulder. I looked over at mom, Alex, and Addison. They were all three crying, but not nearly like I was.

I walked over to the wall, sliding down it as I cried. I couldn't deal with this. I was going to go insane if I didn't get out of here. I needed to go outside.

So that's what I did. I sat down on a curb and grabbed my phone out of my back pocket. I called the person who I wished was with me right now; Freddie.

"Hello?" I heard his voice, then started crying again.

"Ry? What's wrong, babe?" He asked.

I cried even harder,

"He's gone! He's never coming back!"

He didn't say anything, instead just sat there and listened to me sob for about ten minutes.

"I'll call you back, bye." I hung up because I got a text from Alex.

'They're letting us see him.' Was all it read.

I jumped up and sprinted back into the hospital towards the elevator. Mom, Addison, Cameron, and Alex had all saw him, now it was my turn.

I sighed then went in. His lifeless body lying there was so painful to see, but I had to say goodbye no matter how much it hurt.

"Hi, dad," I started.

"I know you can't hear me, but that's okay. I'm sure being up there with Jesus is a lot better, anyways. But I wanted to talk to you and tell you something."

"Um, I lost my virginity. I know that I'd be in so much trouble if you would've heard that since I'm not married, but I also know you'd still love me, let me cry, then take me out for ice cream. But, the guy is super sweet and I think I might love him. You'd love him too. I'm sorry that you never got to meet him. I don't really know if I know what love is, but whatever I feel for him is pretty strong."

"But daddy, thank you for showing me what a real man is. Oh, and life in Atlanta is going awesome, I hope that I made you proud. I love you so much, and I already want you to come back. See you in heaven." I finished and kissed his forehead, then left the room quietly.

A/n: hey!! Sorry I haven't updated in over a week, but it's because I've been at the beach. Also, Freddie was put on the day-to-day list because he has a sprained wrist. God love his heart😂❤️. Anyways, hope this was a good chapter, next one isn't going to be nearly as sad, lol. Enjoy!!

Anything But MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora