\\Chapter Fifteen//

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The funeral was tough. I was glad that he was out of his suffering, but it was still hard to bare because I was bad at letting people go. Mom was wild, and it broke my heart to see her like that. Her and dad had been through everything together and she would never be the same. I really needed to get back to Atlanta because this place just didn't seen like home anymore. Especially with dad gone.

I left three days after his funeral. I made sure mom was stable enough to be there, just her and Addison. Cameron and Alex said they'd check up on her as much as they could with their busy schedules, and I promised to call everyday.

My apartment building was such a beautiful sight to see when I pulled in. I grabbed my phone and purse, then headed to the elevator and to Freddie's floor. It was almost midnight so I knew he'd be home by now.

I knocked on the door, Freddie opening it a few seconds later.

"Ryder." He stood there, nothing but the same shorts that he always wears to bed on.

"Are you okay? Like why didn't you call, I could have came and got yo-" I cut him off as I slammed the door and pushed him up against it, kissing him. He really didn't know what to do at first because it happened so fast, but he quickly figured out what was going on.

"I need you," I bit his lip.

"Bad." I messed with the top of his shorts, my voice sounding weak as he trailed his hand up my t-shirt.

"Same could be said for me." I heard him say as he kissed my neck. It had only been a little over a week since we saw each other, but it felt like a lifetime.

"Then do something about it." I stated.


"I missed you so much." I told Freddie, as laid my head on his chest, drawing circles on it with my finger absentmindedly. After our whole thing that happened, we both changed into sweatpants and watched Finding Nemo on his bed. What was our life? A good one, that's what.

"God, I missed you more. I thought I was going to freak out. I'm so sorry about your dad, though. I know that feeling and it's an awful one." He told me sympathetically, then kissed my hair.

"Thanks for making me feel a little better, though. I needed that." I admitted.

"You're such a perv!" He smiled at me.

"But I needed it, too."

"Don't call me a perv now, Freeman!" I laughed, kissing his nose.

"The guys missed you, too. They needed you too, but in a different way." He stated, causing me to blush a bit.

"What am I going to do with you?" I questioned sweetly.

"Stay with me tonight." He said suddenly serious.

"I think that's doable. I'd be more than happy to." I looked at him again.

"It's 2 AM. Shouldn't we be asleep?" He asked me.

"Not until you kiss me." I brought myself up to his face, raising my right eyebrow. He kissed me sweetly, yet passionately. It was probably the best kiss I've ever had. With him, I could forget about everything for a little bit and just be myself. And it was in that moment that I discovered I was in love with Fredrick Charles Freeman.

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