\\Chapter Thirteen//

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I woke up the next morning, the sun shining brightly through the blinds. It took a minute to gather my surroundings, but quickly figured out where I was.

I looked over to my side, seeing an empty bed beside me. I got up and stretched, then went into the living room. Freddie's tennis shoes were gone so I knew he was on a run.

I decided that I needed to go back to my apartment, so I gathered my stuff and left a note on the table. Once I got back, I went in and took a shower. Showers were pretty much my only time to think about everything, so I thought about the only thing on my mind at the moment; Freddie.

He'd became my best friend, and boyfriend, in the short time we'd known each other and calling him that made me super happy. I knew that if I ever needed anything he'd be there for me. I came down here for a fresh start, and that's exactly what I've got.

After I got out of the shower, my phone rang from my dresser. It was my mom.

"Hello?" I answered, brushing my hair out.

"Ryde?" My mom used my nickname, talking quietly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I knew she sounded differently.

"Um, your daddy's sick. You need to come home." She told me. It must be serious because my mom always wanted me to not worry about them.

"Like, today?"

"Yes, sweetheart. I'm sorry it's such short notice." She replied.

"Okay, I'll try and get there as soon as I can." We said our goodbyes, then I called Freddie.

"Hey, pretty girl." He answered, causing me to laugh a little.

"Hey, come over. I've gotta go home." I tell him.

"Is everything okay? And I'll be over." There was a knock on the door a few minutes later.

"Come in, it's unlocked." I told him.

"Hey." He closed the door behind himself, then walked over and sat down on the couch.

"Here, can you hold this?" I handed him a dress.

"Yeah. But can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh, sorry," I started as I opened the hallway closet door, grabbing a sweatshirt.

"My daddy's sick. And I don't know what's wrong. I've gotta go home." I sat on my knees on the floor, packing my sweatshirt in my suitcase.

"Are you flying or driving?" He asked me, joining me on the floor.

"Driving. I can't book a flight that fast." I sighed, putting my head in the crook of his neck, engulfing myself in his smell that'd I'd grown to love.

"I'm sorry. Be safe, babe." He kissed my jaw lovingly.

"I will." Tears slowly streamed from my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me, wiping my cheek.

"I'm worried. My dad and I are so close and he's been so sick. I just don't want to loose him." I laid on his chest, us both now laying on my living room floor. We sat there for a good ten minutes, me crying quietly as he rubbed my hair. I just listened to the steady sound of his heartbeat, it somewhat calming me down.

"I really need to go." I stood up, then went to unplug my phone.

After I grabbed everything I needed, I then headed down to my car.

"Be safe, okay?" He hugged me.

"I will. I'll call you when I get up there." I kissed him.

"Wait, take this." He took off his cross necklace, placing it around my neck. After we hugged and kissed one more time, I pulled out and headed towards the interstate, calling Kellie over my Bluetooth.

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