\\Chapter Twelve//

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*Freddie's POV*

"You did so good, babe!" Amy looked up at me as she hugged me.

"Thanks," I unlatched myself from her.

"Are you coming home tonight?" I asked her.

"I think I'm going to stay with mom, she's feeling worse. She told me. Her mom had ALS and some days were better than others.

"Okay. Well let me know how she is doing." I replied. I made the excuse that I had an interview to do so I could go and see Ryder instead.

"Freeman!" Kelly smiled as I walked into the locker room.

"Have you seen Ryder?" I asked him.

"I think her and Kellie are outside watching the fireworks." Every Friday, they always had fireworks after the game but I never hardly got to see them because I was doing interviews or other things.

"Alright, I'll see y'all later!" I smiled, then headed out the door and up trough the dugout.

I drifted through the people, stopped for a few pictures and signed a few autographs before I finally came up on them, her sitting on a UT blanket. Go figure.

"Hey, Mrs. Ryder." I smiled as I sat down beside her.

"Hi." She yawned, putting her head on my shoulder.

"Good job tonight." I heard her say as I waved at Kellie.

"Thanks." I kissed her light brown hair.

"Guys, I'm gonna go, it's been a super long day. See you guys tomorrow!" Kellie told us as she grabbed her phone and side bag. Ryder hugged her then she left.

"Can we go home too?" She questioned as another firework went off. Home. Home as in her apartment or mine?

"Well, of course. You don't have to ask me." I told her. She picked up the blanket, folding it. As we started to walk I picked her up and carried her over my shoulder, her laughing the whole way.

"Put me down, Freeman!" She yelled, still laughing as people smiled at us.

"Nope!" I replied.

I put her down when we got to the car, stealing a kiss which caused her to giggle.

"If you didn't like you so much Freeman, I probably would think you're crazy." She kissed my cheek.

"I like you a lot too, Bailey." I smiled over at her.

"Would it, like, be okay if I stayed with you tonight?" She asked nervously.

"You can stay with me anytime, it'd be more than okay with me." I smirked, causing her to blush.

"Just drive, loser." She replied.

We finally got back home after getting through all the traffic. Ryder was almost asleep when we got back. Her eyes scanned the room intently, though.

"Who's this?" She asked in a small, tired voice. She had picked up a picture of me and my mom when I was in middle school, a few months before she died.

"That's my mom." I breathed a heavy breath.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said with true sorrow in her voice.

"Don't be sorry." I looked at her tired, small body.

"You're so tired, please let me carry you to bed." I begged.

"I can walk." She told me as she took off her shoes.

I walked over and grabbed her, much like I had earlier, and headed towards my room.

"Fredrick Charles Freeman! Put me down!" She kicked as I jogged down the hallway. I placed her down on the bed, then kissed her forehead.

I walked across the hallway to my closet grabbing clothes so I could take a shower before I was stopped.

"Freddie," Ryder said, barely audible.

"Yes?" I replied, standing in the doorway with nothing but shorts on.

She bit her lip and turned away before replying,

"Please come to bed."

"Babe, I really need to shower." I told her.

"I don't care. Please." She pleaded. It was honestly hard to say no. I put my clothes down on the dresser, then laid down beside her.

"Night, Freeman."

"Night, Bailey." I kissed her head.

The events that had led up to where I was in my relationship with Ryder player through my mind. But the more that I thought about all this that was going on with the relationships between Ryder, Amy, and I, my anxiety just kept bulging up. I was really scared and wasn't sure on how I was going to deal with it when they found out. They would both probably hate me for the rest of their lives, I just prayed Ryder wouldn't.

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