\\Chapter Eight//

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"Hey," I said quietly, looking over at Freddie. We were on the bus ride back to the hotel after an awesome spring training win.

"What'd you want to ask me?" I question, putting my hand on his inner thigh.

"Well, this isn't really the place where I expected to ask this but, I know that we're pretty close and in the short time we've known each other, there's been an inseparable bond between us. So I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" He asks, smiling sweetly.

"I thought you'd never ask. But, of course I'll be your girlfriend." I kiss his cheek.

"Yes, finally!" Chris yells, smiling.

"Are Bailey and Freeman finally a thing?" Jonny asks excitedly.

"Yeah, man!" He replies, my face turning pink.

"Y'all are cute as heck." He added.


"Will you stay with me tonight?" Freddie asked as we got off the bus.

"We've been dating for like," I glanced at my watch.

"Five minutes and you want me to sleep over with you?"

"We're not gonna have sex." He said plain as day. Everyone around us heard him say that, I'm sure. So if there's rumors going around tomorrow who'll know why they were started.

"Yeah, but I'm sure that's probably what'll wind up happening. Don't try and tell me otherwise. " I admitted as we walked into the hotel.

"Whatever, Bailey. You know where the room's at, I'll leave the door unlocked." He looked at me, then turned towards the elevators and joined up with his teammates, causing me to drown in my thoughts and take the stairs.


A/n: hey guys!! Sorry this chapter was super short and crappy but it's been a LONG week, so I apologize. Anyways, I hope the next chapter is longer and more crazy, lol! Have a good weekend, everyone!

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