\\Chapter Eighteen//

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*Ryder's POV*

I finally told Freddie that I loved him. It wasn't nerve racking or scary. It was truthful. I loved that man and I didn't plan on changing that anytime soon.

We were currently in New York playing the Mets.

"Are you okay?" I questioned Freddie as he walked into the dugout after an at-bat.

"Yeah, I guess. Just my wrist." He rubbed it.

"Let me see it." I stopped him from walking any farther.

"I'm fine." He stated. He'd tell me he was fine if his hand was cut off.

"No, you're not. Don't argue with me, Fredrick." I looked up at him.

"Please don't tell Fredi. I want to play." He whined.

"Babe, I won't be doing my job if I don't tell him you're hurt." I gave him a pouty face.

"Just, please." He begged. I sighed loudly.

"Okay, but if it gets worse, I'm telling him." I told him.

"Thanks babe, love you." He kissed my forehead, causing me to smile.

"PDA!" Jonny yelled loudly. They always loved to pick on me.

"That's not PDA!" I laughed.

"Kissing is PDA." I walked up beside him.

"He just kissed my forehead." I replied.

"Yeah, but we all know he does more than that." He smirked, causing me to blush.

"Hey! We don't talk about that stuff on the job!" McDowell added, smiling, causing the dugout to erupt in laughter.

"Welcome back, Ryde. We've missed you." Jonny stated.

"I'm so glad I'm back."


*1 week later*

"So, I got you something." Freddie told me, holding a blue Tiffany bag.

"Aw, you didn't have to." I smiled at him, opening the bag. Inside the tiny box was a ring. It was in the design of a crown.

"It's engraved." Freddie added.

I looked inside of it. 'Always my Princess' was written in cursive. I started crying. He was so sweet.

"It's beautiful. Thank you so much." I smiled, standing on my tiptoes and hugging his neck

"You're so welcome. I love you." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I smiled.

*Freddie's POV*

What was I doing? I didn't know and I hated it. I kept digging myself in a deeper and deeper hole. I watched her sleep peacefully. She was just settling in to her new life down here and she loved it. She loved everything about it. She loved the city. She loved the team and how sweet they were to her. They loved her and treated her like their little sister. She loved me, but not the way I loved her. I couldn't love her as much as she loved me and it was my fault.

I also think that I hurt my wrist in New York, but I didn't want to tell anybody because I wanted to play. But I knew that if I didn't tell Ryder and it was hurt, she'd kill me. I got up quietly and went into my room to call Fredi.

"Hey, bud! What's going on?" He answered.

"Um, not much but you remember that swing I took in New York the other day?" I walked over to the dresser, absentmindedly looking at what was on it.

"You think you've hurt your wrist, don't you?" He replied, causing me to laugh.

"Yeah, I think. And I begged Ryder not to tell you so please don't me mad at her." I told him.

"I figured. And there's no way you can be mad at that girl."

"I know... I know." I said quietly, then we said our goodbyes.

"Mr. No I'm Not Hurt admits he's hurt. What are the odds?" I heard Ryder say. I turned around to see her leaning up against the door frame.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have given it a second thought." I smirked, trying not to laugh.

"I love you." She hugged me tightly, her voice muffled because she was facing my chest.

"I love you. I love you." I kissed her head.

She looked up at me, her eyes were tired but also full of life.

"You're so beautiful, I can hardly take it." I told her. She giggled lightly, then took my hand and led me back to the living room.

"Why did you choose to date me?" She asked me. I was actually dying to answer this question.

"There's so many reasons." I started.

"You're so beautiful," She blushed, covering her face with the pillow she was holding.

"And you're so in independent. You're the most independent person I've ever met. And you're so strong."

"You have such a big heart and you care for people. How much you care for the guys and I is so amazing and it makes me feel so happy for you to be my girl." I finished. She was grinning so big and her face was flustered. She was so adorable.

"Why are you so sweet." She threw the pillow at me, laughing.

"I don't know, it's just kinda happens." I shrugged. She leaned up and kissed my cheek.

"I love you."

A/n: y'all guess what guess what guess what!! Freddie hit his 100th career homer tonight, being one of the few number of players to do that at or before the age of 25! I'm so proud of my baby and I cried. I'm sorry this update was long overdue. I love you all!

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