In Your Dreams

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"You okay, Violet," Tori asked Alexander from the computer screen.

Alexander stretched, listening to his joints crack as he did so, "I don't know. When Marionette was in charge, I--"

"You didn't do anything," Tori quickly cut him off, "It wasn't your fault. We're all fine. We're just glad you're back."

"I did do it, though," He placed his hands on the top of his head, "I hurt you, Kira, Auntie Rose...Everyone. I just don't know why you all didn't--"

"We'd never do that to you, Violet," She smiled at the camera, "Especially Kira or Hayley. Speaking of, you haven't been avoiding them, have you?"

"That easy to read me?"

"You're like a book," She quirked before turning serious, "You need to talk to that girl, though. Kira doesn't blame you, neither does Hayley."

"I don't need them to blame me," He yawned, "I can't sleep or even look in the mirror anymore. Not that it was much better before."

"I don't know," She gave a sly smile, "The purple eyes make you pretty cute."

"Perfect," He deadpanned, "Who wouldn't want to be with a purple-eyed freak?"

"Don't make me drive back down there and beat the sense back into you."

"Buddy," Hayley's voice floated through.

"Saved by the bell," Tori waved at the camera, "I'll catch you later, Violet."

He nodded at the screen as she logged off, "Oliver."

"That monster's back," The redhead explained, "The others aren't answering."

"I'll deal with it," He stood from the desk, his body protesting each movement as he latched on his quiver and tonfas.

In no time, Alexander was standing in front of the monster he'd fought so many times now.

"Just who I was hoping to see," The monster drew his serrated katana.

Alexander suppressed a groan as he drew his tonfas, "I'm obliged. I don't think we've been properly introduced."

"I am Dekker," The monster bowed to Alexander.

Alexander mirrored his movement, "Alexander."

The two flew at each other after that, weapons clanging off of each other as both combatants attempted to strike the other. Alexander grunted as Dekker's katana impacted his tonfas, nearly crushing his bones underneath the steel weapons in his hands.

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