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Authors note, OMG thank you so much 100 views <33

WARNINGS, selfharm, eating disorters, smut

*Phil POV*

*jump a week*

I sat on the hard seat in the hospital. It was next to Dan's bed. I've been here everyday for a week from 8am till 10pm. At nights I slept on my brother's sofa. He understood me and what was happening. I didn't actually even sleep, I just laid on the sofa, crying, every night. I needed to be perfect for Dan. He must have felt emparesment of me being his boyfriend. Boyfriend? Are we even boyfriends? I don't care. I had to be perfect. I haven't eaten, since he went to hospital. I didn't even feel hunger, all I felt was lost. I lifted my knees and wrapped my arms around them, pressing my face down and I felt how the tears filled my eyes and streamed down my face.

*Dan POV*

I felt limp. I didn't know, where was I? Why? What time it is? I tried remembering, but the last thing I remember is Phil. Phil. Then I remembered sleeping and cuddling in my bed, my stepmom, dad. Dad screaming at me. I remember running. And the blade. The cuts. Now I remember. Was I in hospital? Where's Phil? I heard quiet sniffs next to me. Was that Phil? I forced my eyes open, but all I saw was white, I waited and the ight in the room faited down. The room looked meachanical, like hospital. Maybe I were in hospital. I couldn't move or look around. ''Phil?'' I forced a sigh from my lips. ''Dan?'' I heard Phil saying next to me, ''Dan, thank go. I was so worried, so worried. I thought you're never gonna wake up.'' What? How long have I slept? ''You were in coma for a week, I have to go tell the nurses you woke up, I love you Dan.'' Phil said quickly hugging me and running from the door. Coma? For a week? I felt terrible, only for leaving Phil alone for a week. I'm so sorry for him. Phil came back with a doctor and a nurse behind him, ''How are you feeling, Dan?'' The doctor asked, ''Well.'' I answered, I just wanted to get home. ''How's your memory? When is your birthday?'' He continued, ''11th of June.'' I answered smiling at Phil, ''What's your boyfriend's name?'' Boyfriend? Phil tensed and looked away from me, he had told them we were boyfriends. I love this guy so much. ''Phil, Phil Lester.'' I answered smiling as Phil looked back to me mouthing 'I love you'. The doctor wrote something down and talked with the nurse, then he left. ''You will be released tonight, cause of lack of room. You should be alright, with home rest for a week and staying away from bleads.'' The blond nurse said smiling at me and Phil. ''Okay, that's amazing. I will watch him like a kid, there's no worry.'' I smiled at phil and nodded to the nurse, who left the room. ''Dan?'' I heard Phil say next to me as I felt my eyes fill with tears. ''Dan, please don't cry.'' That just made me cry more and the tears started streaming down my face. ''Dan please, everything will be okay. I love you, I'm not mad, everything is alright Dan. Please.'' I turned my face to him and used my hand to wipe the tears, ''I love you, Phil Lester.'' Phil's face lit up as he smiled and hugged me, he helped me to sit on the bed and sat next to me, his hands still around me. ''Let's go home, we have both spend way too much time in this hospital.'' He said smiling. I nodded, I got dressed as I saw the fixed scars on my skin, they looked weird on it, but I didn't care, I just wrapped myself in my hoodie as Phil and I headed out the hospital.

''Where are we exactly going?'' I asked remembering, we are both kicked out of our homes. ''I talked to your stepmom.. She said, that she and your dad will be staying in Boston for 6 months. I thought we could stay in your house and figure out what to do in that time.'' Phil said with a weak noice. That's perfect. ''That's amazing, Phil.'' I said smiling at him as he pulled his car next to mine, on our drive way. We stepped inside the empty house. **AU, you might want to listen to song Madness by Muse as you read this next part.** We walked up to my room and I saw my MUSE posters on the wall. Oh my god, I will seem so weird to Phil, I hope he have not noticed them before. ''Do you like MUSE?'' I heard Phil ask with a smirk, I nodded and smiled back kind of confused, ''I love them too. '' Phil said as he pressed play cd on my radio and Madness started playing. He stepped closer to me as he pressed his lips on mine. He pushed me on my bed as I felt pain go trough my body and the scars. I didn't care, I needed to feel Phi. I wrapped my hands around his body and he played with my hair. I let my hands wonder under his shirt, at that moment I felt his ribs, I noticed how skinny he was. I broke our kiss, staring him in the blue sad eyes. ''Phil, when was the last time you ate?'' I asked my eyes filling with worry, he looked thinking, ''I-I don't remember..'' He said, I knew we should go and eat, but as the song played on backround, I smirked ''We will order pizza after this.'' as I smashed or lips against each other and Phil pressed his body against mine. I left out a small moan and felt him smiling in the kiss. I started unbuttoning his shirt and he answered by breaking our kiss to take my shirt off, he trailed his hand on my abs as he felt the scars. They didn't even hurt anymore, I was so deep in lust. Phil broke our kiss and moved his lips on my neck and I tensed under him, but relaxed as he sucked a red mark on my neck. His lips trailed down my stomach and his tongue played with my nipples as I left out a loud moan. He continued down and his hands tried opening the button of my jeans, he looked up to me to catch my eye and I nodded at him. He trailed my black skinny jeans off of my legs as I listened to the song playing on the backround.

But now I have finally seen the end, And I'm not expecting you to care, But I have finally seen the light, I have finally realized, I need your love.

Phil's hands trailed on my body as he lifted himself to kiss me and I deepened the kiss wrapping my hands in his perfect black hair. Phil broke the kiss and smiled at me and stared right into my eyes as the song eneded and silence filled the room, ''I love you.'' He whispered and connected our lips again. After minutes I pushed him and broke the kiss, ''I love you more.'' I said to him as he got up and sat next to me. ''Pizza?'' I asked with a smile, ''And a movie?'' He asked and I smiled and nodded as we got up and walked downstairs holding hands. He told me to select a movie and I selected a horror movie, only so I can cuddle with Phil when I'm scared. I sat on the sofa waiting for Phil who came with our pizza, ''The Woman In Black?'' He asked smirking, I looked up to him and laughed a bit, ''Only so I can cuddle next to you whenI'm scared.'' He smiled and sat next to me and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. He hold me in a spoon and kissed the back of my neck, ''You're perfect Phil.'' I said and pressed play on the movie.

Authors note, OH MY GOD seriously 100 views? I'm so happy <333 Please vote for my story and feel free to comment and if you want you can also kik me, viivitiia THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! xoxoxo

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