Do you forgive me?

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ffffffff sorry this is late, watwat no warnings ;)

*Phil POV*

*jump a month*

I don't know what I'm doing, I can't stand seeing him. I still know this is my fault. He has become the fuckboy of the school in a month. Everyone knows what happened between us. People still don't care about me, it's like before I even met Dan. That day I met him changed my life. But it doesn't matter anymore. I've lost it all, tossed it away like an old exam or a smelly sock. I have nothing left, all I feel is pain. I'd love a release, but I still think I don't deserve it. I tried. I tried to explain, but he didn't let me. Not that I blame him, I hate myself too. I haven't talked to anyone, but like project stuff, in a month. My mom is worried about me. It doesn't matter. She thinks I'm depressed. I probably am. I heard that Dan lives with Chris. I don't think his dad would let him home. He told me to let Dan die. Does Dan know it was me who saved him? Probably not. Should I try tot tell him that? No.

''Phil?'' I heard a voice behind me that stopped my thoughts. I turned around to see Chris Kendall, Dan's friend. ''Phil? Uh.. How are you?'' Why is Chris Kendall talking to me? ''I don't know. I'm not okay, but it could be worse.'' Chris nodded, smiling at me. ''You're probably wondering why I'm talking to you..'' I nodded. ''Well, uh, I want you to help Dan. He's not okay. This not like him. He's not a fuckboy. He's just trying to forget you...'' Chris lowered his voice so no one could hear us, ''...The nights he spends at home, he actually cries himself asleep. To world he acts nothing like that tho.'' Chris ended, nodding his head towards Dan making out with some blond in the corner behind me. I turned to see and felt the instant pain in my chest and turned back to look at Chris. ''How do you want me to help him? He won't talk to me or listen what I say.'' ''Can you come to my place, like, now?'' I nodded, ''Good. Dan will be there soon.''

*Dan POV*

I opened the door of Chris' house, I think it's my house now too. He had texted me to come home, cause he had something to show to me. I steppped in the livingroom to saw a mop of black hair. No. He wouldn't. ''Hey, Dan. Please listen to me.'' Phil said stepping closer to me. I turned around to run away, but Chris staded there blocking my way. I felt my eyes fill with tears and shoke my head. ''No.'' Phil's hand reached for me and touched my shoulders, I snapped away from him. I turned to look at him. He didn't look like Phil. His hair was messy, eyes like glass and skin paler then usually. His clothes were all black, had been for a month. I've sometimes looked at him. Sometimes. ''I need to explain, okay? Just listen.'' Phil begged. ''I have no fucking interest to listen to you! I have Lucy now! I DON'T FUCKING NEED YOU!'' I screamed tears streaming on my cheeks. ''Lucy? That blonde girl you met yesterday? Dan, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but you're fucking gay, mate.'' Chris snickered behind me, Phil glared at him. ''Dan, I'm sorry. I was sorry from the second i realized what happened.'' Phil looked me in the eyes, ''That's why I told you. Dan I'm sorry. Please, please forgive me?'' I turned around crying, I pushed Chris out of the way and ran upstairs and locked myself in my room. There was a knock on the door. ''GO AWAY!!'' I cried to my pillow. I cried, I don't know how long.

I do miss him. He looked so truthful as he told me he is sorry. Fuck. I regret fucking everything. He saved me. He still cares about me, tho I've fucked everything up. Well he cared for me, probably doesn't anymore. I pushd him away again. I fucking love him. Does he still love me? I need to call Phil. I searched for my phone and checked the time, 03.15am. I looked for Phil's number, still named as 'babe;)' in my ohone and pressed 'call'. I waited to hear the rings... one.. two.. three.. four.. five.. he isn't going to pick up.. six.. seven.. ''Dan?'' His voice sounded like he was crying, I sniffed, ''Phil.'' ''Oh god, Dan. I'm so sorry.'' ''No Phil. I'm sorry. I-I still l-love y-you. D-do you still l-love me?'' I whispered in the phone. ''Oh god! Dan! Of course I still love you!'' ''C-can you come h-here?'' I asked, I knew he won't come. ''Are you at Chris'?'' ''Yeah.'' ''I'll be there in ten.'' I nodded as the line went off.

The kcock on the door scared me, tho I knew it was Phil. I opened the door and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his arms wrap around me. It felt amazing hugging him again. ''Phil..'' I sniffed, ''Yeah?'' ''Do you forgive me?'' ''Oh god, of course I do Dan.'' Phil said as he pulled me to loom at him. ''I missed you'' he smirked. ''I missed you too.'' I smiled at him as he held me in his arms, ''Can I kiss you?'' He asked, he is so cute. I nodded. Phil pulled me aginst him and connected our lips for awhile. H ebroke apart, I looked up to his shiny blue yes, they weren't glass anymore. ''I love you Phil Lester.'' I said, ''I love you too Dan Howell.'' I pulled his lips back to mine. Someone coughed behind us and we jumped apart. ''Yeah good you love each other. Surprise. Seriously hey. Could you two now get your shit together, cause I kinda wanna go back to sleep.'' I turned around to see Chris smirking at me. ''Fuck off.'' Chris laughed, ''I'm gonna go back to sleep, pls close the door after done with your make out session.'' ''I hate you.'' I said as Phil closed the door. ''Dan, can I stay?'' ''Yeah, do you wanna watch a movie?''

We were cuddled up on the couch and I was already half asleep, in the middle of the movie. ''Dan?'' ''Yeah?'' ''Do you trust me fully again?'' ''Sure I do.'' ''Sure?'' ''Yeah.'' ''Good.'' Phil turned my head so he could connect our lips for a sweet kiss. I could feel butterflies in my stomach, it was so good to have Phil's lips against mine. SO much better then anyone else's. He broke apart from me, ''I love you Dan.'' He said staring in my eyes. ''The day I met you-'' ''Changed my life. I love you Phil.'' I cut him off, ending his sentence and oulled his lips back against mine.

A/N wow.. fluffy as hell. wat is this?

okay okay.. Sooo.. how are you guys? (: lol what. wtf.. it's 1.40 am
that and the 16 cups of coffee may explain somethiong.. the things id o for this fic..

sorry it's short... andddd the next update... soon?

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