This is not real

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A/N: DON'T KILL ME. I'm trying.. so yeah i kinda broke my computer, then got a new one and lost motivation.. so.. well.. uh.. the new chapter is finally here! (don't hate me, I know it took way too long..) this is the 2nd last chapter of this story, that's why it's a bit short, but I hope you enjoy

Warnings: death, mentions of sex, self harm

Phil POV:

I woke up next to Dan, again. I love waking up next to him.. He was still asleep and closely cuddled next to me so I carefully reached for my phone on the drawer next to Dan's bed in Chris' house. I opened it and saw a few new messages..

Lucas: Hey baby..

Lucas: you free tonight?

Lucas: U with Dan?

Phil: I'm with Dan now, I'll ditch him soon tho, I'll say my dad needs me for something..

Phil: See u at 7pm, ur place.

Lucas: Good, see u then babe..

''Phillllll.. come back to sleep..'' I heard Dan mumble next to me, ''Okay baby.. I need to leave soon to help my dad at something'' I said as I closed my phone and turned around to softly peck Dan's lips. ''No.. Really? I just wanted to cuddle for a day..'' He frowned and I took his hand under the covers, ''I'm sorry, we'll meet tomorrow, okay?'' ''Okay.'' I pecked his lips again and got up to get ready.

I walked to Chris' kitchen, Dan following closely, I checked the time on my phone, 4pm. I dropped my phone on the kitchen table and took a banana with me as I walked to the door, Dan still following me. ''Do you have to go?'' ''I'm sorry, but yes.. Come here baby.'' I said as I slowly gave Dan a kiss and left the door. ''Bye Phil..'' I heard a small voice behind me as I walked away. *

*Dan POV*

''Bye Phil.'' I whispered as I watched my boyfriend walk out of the door. ''He left already?'' I heard Chris asking behind me. I turned around, ''Yeah.. He had to help his dad at something..'' Chris frowned, ''Oh did he?'' ''Yeah, what are you on about?'' Chris took a phone from his pocket, Phil's phone.. ''I don't know, Phil left his phone here and there's just this message on the lock screen.'' He turned the phone around for me too see it.

Lucas: can't wait for u baby

''No.'' I said out loud. No this can't be happening. Phil wouldn't. He wouldn't

''Dan? Are you alright?'' Chris asked when I felt a tear falling on my cheek. ''Aww, come here. It's gonna be okay.'' He said and wrapped his arms around me. I returned the hug. Seriously, fuck Phil. He can totally leave my life and never come back around. I don't need this. ''It's gonna be fine..'' Chris whispered in my ear, ''I know.'' I answered. ''What?'' Chris asked breaking the hug. ''I'm done.'' ''Uhm.. Dan, are you sure? You're not just pretending to be brave here?'' Was I? Yes I was. I fell on my knees and started crying. ''Oh Dan.'' Chris said as he came down and wrapped his arms around me again. ''It'll be alright, it'll be okay.'' ''Are you sure?'' 'Yeah.''

*next morning*

I woke up to my phone ringing. I felt tired, I didn't remember last night. I picked up my phone. It was Phil. Then I remembered.

D: Hi? I answered, wanting to hear what he had to say.

P: Good morning, love.

D: Phil, I know about Lucas. I know you went there last night. I whispered, my voice breaking by the end.

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