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Hey! This is THE END of this fan fiction.. I can't believe this... But yeah, this is a really short chapter just to wrap it all up. PLEASE COMMENT!

WARNINGS: mentions of self harm, much angst, very death (sorry)

*Dan POV*

It's been two years. It's been two years since he died. I still love him. I still can't let him go. I'm pathetic.

''Dan? Are you okay?'' Chris shouted, knocking on the bathroom door. 

We had officially moved in together, as mates, when he and PJ broke up. 

''Yeah, I'm good.'' I said staring into my own eyes in the mirror in front of me. I looked dead. I had looked dead for two years. I never got over what happened. I was always so mad at myself, I was always sad and missing Phil. I'm pathetic. It's what happens when you're too attached. You never let go. Even tho you will never get back what you had. When you lose someone so close to you, you want to follow them, you want to go with them. After what happened I've been watched over, Chris has checked my wrists and pretty much everything. So I really haven't had the change to hurt myself, I don't want more treatments or meths. I've been to a psychologist, first every week, then every month, now only once in two months. I'd have a treatment tomorrow. I don't really want to go there. Maybe I don't have to. Maybe I could go be with Phil. Where ever he is. 

''Dan? I'm gonna go now, okay? Are you sure you're okay?'' I heard Chris asking outside the door. He was going on a date with some guy he had met last week. Good for him.

''Yeah, have fun.'' I shouted back at him when he left the door. I waited to hear the door slam shut.

Okay. Now was the time. I wanted to get away from this. I didn't care anymore. I hope Chris won't mind too much, he can start going out with people with out worrying about me. He'll be thankful with out me.

I didn't have any blades and I wasn't allowed to have a razor or anything. I walked to our kitchen and opened a closet, that had all my meths in it. I decided that this would be the easiest way. I took them with me and walked back in the bathroom. I took painkillers, one by one and few of my anti depressants and some strong pills Chris had for his sprained ankle. 

I let myself fall on the floor and close my eyes. As everything went black I whispered my last words;

''I'm coming for you Phil.''


I'm sorry!!! I hope you liked this fic and that you'd give it a vote and comment whatever you feel!! 

Feel free to hate on me! 

(get my contact info from the previous chapter if you want)

Byeeee, xoxoxo (this is the last of these in this fic. Cri.)

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