Ayuka Yamaguchi headcannons

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·She's the mom friend. That's it.

·If she wasn't the Ultimate Attorney, she would have been the Ultimate Baker, because she's a goddess when it comes to baking.

·However, when it comes to cooking... Yeah, we're not going there.

·She had a FNAF phase as a kid. Like, she just loved all the music and the games.

·Very good with kids. She just loves them.

·Never knew her mother

·Biromantic Asexual cis female who feels comfortable with any pronouns. She doesn't see the need in sex tbh. Would do it only if partner feels comfortable enough to tho.

·She likes people with abs.

·She just listens to audio edit playlists most of the time while she bakes.

·Although she does like listening to Lil Nas X

·She LOVES wearing dresses, because she just likes feeling pretty in them

·Is in a secret cult that worships Oikawa Toru

·She DEFINITELY tried to use a mom pun once. And she succeeded.

·STANS body positivity. You call someone fat with the intention of harming them emotionally? Ya better run :)

·She was known for defending the bullied kids in her school. She may have been suspended a few times too, but we don't talk about that.

·She dyed her hair for a week once. It was a failure

·Unsurprisingly, she rages very easily. However, when it comes to Splatoon, she's very chill. The only time she has raged on that game was in the Octo Expansion. (Although most Splatoon players have. That thing was fucking hard. ;-;)

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