Extra 3: Ship headcannons

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My ships' headcannons (No NSFW)

EiSami (Asami Uehara x Eisaku Kisaragi):

·They have a lot of cuddling sessions, in most of them Eisaku is the little spoon. They love laying their head on her chest while she strokes their hair.
·They sometimes get food from a café or a restaurant, since they're not the best cooks.
·Eisaku loves reading Asami's stories, they think she's a really talented writer.
·Asami likes kissing them out of nowhere. And I mean, out of NOWHERE. They could be in the park, just spending some time together and then, *Muak*, a kiss on the neck. Or the forehead. Or the cheek. Or the lips.
·They're not that big on PDA tho-
·If Eisaku gets sick, Asami takes care of them all day, making sure to keep distance. They'd get well 1 or 2 days later.
·But if Asami got sick, Eisaku would try their best to take care of her, even though they're not the best. She'd get well in 4 days.
·Their ideal dates are either stay at home to watch a movie or go take a walk near the park during spring, when the cherry trees bloom.
·They often go on Reddit just to see stupid things and laugh at them.
·Tsurugi was not happy that Asami got with Utsuro's kid though-

Seijiro (Eijirou Maeda x Seishirou Mekaru):

·Eijirou likes to paint Seishirou's nails a lot. Seishirou doesn't mind because he gets to play with Eijirou's hair.
·A lot of folklore binging. Seishirou ended up getting Eijirou hooked on floklore. Seishirou's favourite country folklore is japanese folklore, while Eijirou's is south american
·Seishirou gets flustered a lot because Eijirou is smooth as fuck when it comes to flirting.
·Despite that, Eijirou is the little spoon.
·They get a lot of ice cream. Like, a lot-
·They also dive into Reddit a lot.
·Ideal date would be visiting a museum. Shocking, right?

TomoMiho (Tomoko Higa x Miho Iranami):

·Instagram couple-
·A lot of pride shit in their rooms. Tomoko has more tho-
·Tomoko likes to carry Miho around like if they were still children.
·Miho defo has had to tend Tomoko's wounds from failed stunts.
·Cheesy lines are a must.
·And jokes
·And affection
·Ideal dates are just flying in Tomoko's plane. Which Haru got her. Mitch is still concerned and worried if they fall. So is Kanata.

MichiSuya (Michiko Otori x Etsuya Yomiuri):

·We have a sketchy saleswoman and a fantasy novelist who knows how to make bombs. Oh! And they're both assholes. Perfect couple.
·Etsuya loves teaching Michiko how to cook just to spend a lot of time with her.
·He has defo wrote characters in his novels like her because he is that much of a simp.
·Michiko has most of Etsuya's books, she likes reading them. He has a... unique humour sense.
·Etsuya just loves hiding his face in Michiko's chest. He likes the boobas He got that from Nikei.
·They definitely pull some pranks on their families. And on their classmates.
·Mikado was a bit skeptical because it's Syobai's kid.
·Ideal dates are picnics in the park or stargazing.

SaeRumi (Saeki Kasai x Narumi Magorobi):

·The jock and the nerd aesthetic? Idk, they give me those vibes.
·Cosplay cosplay cosplay-
·Saeki sometimes brings her coffee when he comes back from his morning jogs.
·They have matching shirts that say 'My pun queen' and 'My badass king'.
·Narumi likes knitting, so she sometimes makes things for Saeki. She once made him a plush of himself.
·They go to each other's, like, movies or fights. Narumi cheers very loudly, while Saeki silently thinks his girlfriend is flipping amazing.
·Big on PDA
·Ideal dates are staying at home and watching movies.

RinToshi (Rintaro Tomori x Satoshi Hatano):

·Satoshi teaches Rintaro how to be a bit more clean. Y'know, not have everything everywhere.
·Coffee mornings, tea afternoons.
·Rintaro got Satoshi hooked on cowboy shows.
·A lot of delicious meals.
·Rintaro likes pecking Satoshi's face.
·Ideal dates are going to the movies.

You can tell my favourite ship and when I ran out of headcannons ;-;

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