Saeki Kasai headcannons

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·He goes to Starbucks everyday to get a morning coffee while on his morning run

·He knows aikido and taekwondo

·A coffee person. Has one with two sugars a day.

·Him and Eijirou are like Shinji and Yuki. They treat each other as siblings. Saeki is the older and responsible one, while Eijirou is the younger, dependant one. (Why's that me and my sib ;-;)

·Him are Narumi are dating, and he actually likes hearing her jokes, no matter how bad it is. They make him feel better.

·He DESPISES alcohol. He'd never take a sip of alcohol over his dead body.

·His hair is actually dyed. His natural hair colour was brown, but he wanted to dye it red.

·Him and Narumi go to cosplay cons, cosplaying together. The last time they went, they went as Kirito and Asuna from SAO.

·HUUUGE anime fan. He listens to anime music while on jogs.

·Apart from anime music, he listens to a very large variety of singers: Lollia, Three Days Grace, TryHardNinja, Fandroid, etc.

·He had a BATIM phase. He just loved playing the game.

·And a Splatoon phase where he thought dynamo rollers were better than normal rollers.

·He's a Biromantic Heterosexual.

·B i g  s p o o n

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