Chapter 6 [An Early Morning Talk]

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You finally arrived back, you landed on the porch. By the time you all got there, Akira had already been recovered, not completely though. Akira assisted Ryo into the building, calling Jenny to assist with his injuries. All you did was stay outside in the pool area in silence, still taking your Devilman form. You had words to say, but you were just not able to speak for an unknown reason.

Once Akira had successfully gotten Jenny to aid Ryo, he rushed back outside to find you, suddenly human, laying flat on the ground. Seems like you just loved sleeping so much.

Akira took a look around, and the wounds all around you were completely gone. You were fine. Nothing was harming you at all. All that Akira was thinking was about your appearance and the way you looked. He was extremely excited to talk to you about everything as soon as you woke up. Your face was calm, not in distress this time. 

Soon enough, morning came, and you woke up... Just a bit too early. It was currently 3 in the morning, still dark outside. Looking around yourself as you expected, you were inside of Ryo's apartment. 


How'd I end up here?...

For a few more minutes, you just sat on the couch curled up in a ball with a blanket around you to keep you warm. You couldn't go back to bed, no matter what you tried. 


"You can't sleep either?"

His voice came out of nowhere, you didn't even see him. All that time you were struggling on the couch to go back to sleep, Akira was right there, laying on the hard ground with just one pillow and a blanket that didn't even cover him up. 


"How did I go from nearly dying to getting here?"


"You don't remember?..."


"No, I remember cutting my own stomach open though."


"No way!..."




"You don't have memories when you're in demon form!- Oh- Oh! I have so much to tell you!"

Akira was whispering and yelling at the same time, trying to keep quiet so Ryo didn't burst out of his room to tell him to shut his loud ass mouth.


"I was a demon?! I mean I'm aware of it, but I... I became it?!"

You spoke the same way as Akira did, hoping to not make Ryo tell you both to shut up.


"Yeah... You were like, tall!"




"Yeah, like taller than me. And I am currently very tall!"

Akira flexed.


"What else?!"


"Ooh, ooh, you also had massive boobs and this really hot hard outfit, and your hair was like... flowing."

Demons, Humans, They're All The Same: Ryo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now