Chapter 11 [Lights]

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You sighed, kind of chuckling at what he said.

For the rest of the time, you listened to Ryo's soft breathing as he slept with his hand in yours while looking right out the window. 

All that you could think about was why Ryo was acting like this, thinking that he had better things to do than literally taking a Devilman on a train in the middle of the night.

You arrived at your destination, but both of your hands were still clasped together. As the train came to a halt, you could hear it creak slightly. Ryo was still sleeping when you arrived. You quickly withdrew your hand away from his and playfully smacked him on the back of the head, jolting him awake.

His head popped up quickly.


"Come on, we're here."

He got up from his seat and stretched.


"Oh?... It's still dark outside..."

His voice was a little raspy from napping.


"The ride was only an hour long."


"Seriously?... It had felt like I was sleeping for years. Ah, that was a good nap."


"Okay- Stop talking about naps before you fall asleep again!"

You said, watching him rub his tired eyes with your arms crossed.

It's funny how you knew absolutely nothing about travelling and Ryo did, but yet you still ended up leading the way because of Ryo's sleepy ass.

It was still dark out surprisingly. It had felt like days passed on.


"Ryo, I chose a place with lights?"


"... Yeah... What about it?..."


"Okay, okay, in your opinion, do you think that lights are pretty?"

Ryo didn't respond, he was just about to fall right over. Before he could, you caught him.


*Sigh* "So you drag me out of the apartment so you could take me to see lights and then fall asleep while doing so?"

He then shook his head, making himself stand on his own feet.




"Nevermind. Let's just go see the lights."


"Wh... Huh?"


"The lights."


"What lights?..."


"The location I chose."


"Oh... Right. Come on, I know the way from here."

You put your map in the garbage can, not thinking that it would be of use anymore.

Ryo led the way, his eyes slowly getting more lively and awake.

Demons, Humans, They're All The Same: Ryo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now