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The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts. - Marc Aurel


I must be in the Matrix! At least that is what it felt. 

From every one of these pictures no matter how old, far away and blurry, it was Alex glancing back at me.

Are you fucking kidding me? My life is no shitty romance novel! This is impossible!

"This is double B?" I asked for confirmation, swishing up to see if the pictures would change.

They didn't. 

As Bee had mentioned, there were really few. Almost none that showed Alex as he looked today. Just the company one seemed to be present date.

"Yes, the mystery crown prince of NYC, Mr. Jonathan Alexander Leonard Henry Blumberg-Bochanan." she rattled down the name as if she had learned it by heart.

"Say again?" 

My brain had not picked up to his normal speed. Untrue, it was running overtime. Fully occupied with getting my nightly visitor together with the fact he was THE double B?!

"I know it is ridiculous. Jonathan Alexander Leonard Henry Blumberg-Bochanan. He is the infamous son of the richest man in this city, Henry Blumberg-Bochanan and Princess Louise of Norway. You know, I have to read the gossip stuff to my mom every week. She loves it."

"You love it, too." My frozen brain managed to tease her. 

Had she just said princess? I... like... I can't.

Alex as in Alexander as in double B. Seems like him interfering with the room won't be a problem. Hard facepalm Charlotte. The room was your smallest problem now.

I was so stunned. How in the world should I talk to him in fricking 10 or mostly 20 minutes?! 

Obviously, he had not wanted to tell me who he was. That didn't surprise or anger me. I had seen enough movies and read enough books to get why. Just I wish I wouldn't now KNOW. How should I tell him that I knew? How?

Pretty sure, I could tell Bee more things about her juicy-gossip victim, than she would ever in a lifetime find out. I did not want this kind of knowledge! It came with a frightening responsibility to keep it a secret.

On a level from Zero to Anxious I thought I had already been quite high this evening. Good to know that I had just about smashed that scale by creating a new one. Times a 100 of the last one.

What had us meeting meant to him? Was it a passtime? He lived UPSTAIRS? And why the hell had he even been here in NYC? Everyone assumed he had arrived recently? He had been here for freaking weeks!

Should I google him? Should I ask Bee? I guess asking Bee wasn't as bad, was it? Common knowledge anyone could know... No stalking.

"What else do you know about him?"

"Ohh, now you are interested? If I had known, you just needed to see a picture to get you involved, I would have shown you one weeks ago!" she laughed.

"Just humouring you." I tried to play cool.

"If you say so." She honestly patted my hand! Doesn't matter if she patronised me. I needed info.

"Unfortunately, I do not know much more." she shook her head as if she was disappointed by her performance as gossip-expert.

"No one really does. He co-owns Blumberg Inc. as the company page states and also a ton of other stuff for himself. This studio for example is not part of the Blumberg Inc. company. It belongs directly to him. You sure have read your contract haven't you?" and for once I was able to nod. I did know that.

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