New Horizons

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Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them (...). Let things flow. - Lao Tzu


The next morning we were spoiled with a prolonged breakfast. My mum had went all out with eggs, fruits and pastries. 

Even with the long breakfast far too soon we said our goodbyes and were on our way. 

Turning on the luxury of a seat heating I snuggled onto my seat on the passenger side. Snoopily I watched Alex sit down. I was anticipating him to put something into a navigation system, but he didn't. 


"Where are we going? Are you going to tell me now?" I asked curiously as soon as we left my street.

"Ah questions already. No, what would be the fun in that?" He glanced over with amusement sparkling in his eyes. "Just don't get too comfortable, we will only drive for a short time."

We turned onto the street towards Wheeling as I expected. 

Frankly in my dull hometown there was nowhere else to go. 

What puzzled me was that once we got to Wheeling we drove back North. Just on the other side of the Ohio river? Weird?

I hadn't been on this side of the river in ages. There was nothing here.

So, I thought.

After driving a few more minutes I noticed a sign "Ohio County Airport – 3 miles". 


Ohhhh, yes!

I had completely forgotten about this tiny airport.

"We are flying somewhere?" It was more rhetorical because by now it was frankly obvious.

"Yes, we are. I must say I thought it very handy, that there is an airport basically NEXT to your hometown... until I found out there is no bridge." he shook his head in disbelief. What did he expect? This was the middle of nowhere.

"Driving all the way around? How annoying. If we spend more time here, I am going to build a bridge myself." he stated dryly, dead serious. Was he joking or simply not realising how crazy he sounded?

"Sure... Why don't you just straight build another airport on the other side?!" I sarcastically replied.

Laughing he picked up on my suggestion, "Good idea, why not? A small helicopter airport would solve the problem faster and cheaper. Small problem that we would be the only ones to benefit. Wouldn't that be a little bit unfriendly towards the rest of the village?"

Shaking my head in disbelief I answered him, "Geeze, that was a joke. For the few times I come here there is NO need for another bridge NOR a helicopter."

"We will see. I personally like the landscape with the river and forest." he winked towards me as we drove onto the airport parking lot.

I straight noticed two large, black SUV's with NYC number plates standing in front of the entrance. For sure they belonged to his entourage.

Pointing towards them I asked, "Is your free time over already?" 

"Yes. One night off was all I managed to bargain for. They mean well. I could never mind their support and care, even if it limits my freedom."

If he really put his foot down, as the big boss he for sure could make them go away. Just why should he if he didn't mind? 

Seems like I would need to get used to it as long as I was with him. Even on a holiday.

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