Reborn as a babybone

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Characters: Ccino, Sans, Blue, the babybone

-So, how will you call the child? Asked the young server as he began rubbing the stain harder. Sans looks down at the sleeping figure and sighed tiredly, the commotion around them did not help his fatigue but ketchup did.

-I don't know... I can't think of anything without knowing their gender...

Ccino straighten his back with a soft nodd, posing the wet sponge on the side of the table, he took a glance over the child and frown sharply.

Their bones were whites like almost any other Sanses, however, their arms and legs were full black, with a preformed blue or purple on some of their ribs, which was very unique. The child could belong to anyone in this damn multiverse, only their eyes lights, and magic colors could help identify them and their parents.

-Damn... I would have purrferred some good old pawnny jokes..., muttered Ccino with a smirk on his face. At the tone of the puns, two cats hop on the table, messing with Sans' order, and begin rubbing their head at the ketchup bottle, one being identical to Sans, and the other being identical to Killer.

Sans and Ccino silently chuckle before the server went back serving another table with other Sanses' cats messing or sleeping around, he needed to be sure that none of his clients would be bothered by his fluffies companions. The classic skeleton lean back and began rocking the babybone, entwining his arms around their body and protectively keeping them close.

-Don't worry buddy, we'll find someone for you, I'm definitely not ready for the responsibility of a child... From now, sleep well...

The child opens their little eyes sockets slightly, two almost invisible eyes lights appearing to stare back at the adult. Sans was taken aback by the other's eyes' appearances, scared for them to be blind, he moved around a few fingers in the air to check on their vision, but thankfully, the child gave a quick reaction and tried to reach for whatever was moving in their sight.

-If your little dots did not appear yet..., he calmly whispered with a sweatdrop dripping down his nasal bone as he grabbed the child by under their arms, —that can only mean that you have just been created recently... Tho you seem pretty big for a newborn...

And as if they understood what he said and was having a whole complex about it, the baby started sulking as they tried to high kick Sans with their tiny feet which happen to look like an adorable move of affection.

-Hey there buddy, getting excited? I can't imagine how you will be when you'll get your milk, laughed the adult as they peeked at Ccino who was coming over with some baby's treatment, and another Sans that he recognized by their expression.

It was Blue.

-Friend, I've come to take the young child to train them until their parents show up!

-Please Blue, they are not even a child yet, ...

-They are a newborn to be specific...

Ccino felt his soul stir painfully as the thought rushed in his mind, they received a newborn and didn't call a professional. His body grew limp as Blue caught back the plate with the baby food.

-W-weren't they supposed to be at least one or two years old..?

Change of point of view:
1st pov

As a change of mood, I begin worrying about how to unshift from this too realistic dream, I thought that it would be a good idea but I'm blind, or to be most specific, I can't see neat, and I'm surrounded by strangers, how do I wake up?

And why was I even a baby?

I've never felt so hopeless and vulnerable in my whole life— I thought as a single tear appear in my eye socket. I begin sniffing as more drips down and soon enough, I was crying. The whole point of being a newborn is to cry when you need something or when you're currently facing an early breakdown.

Ah, babies...

I've attempted to break free from them, to kick them, punch, or yell, but the more I tried, the weaker I get.

-Ccino, pass me the milk! Shout a voice worriedly as they probably were the one rocking me.

I became silent when my brain registered 'Chino', I found this name odd for a second, but then it clicked.

Chino -> Ccino -> Cappuccino -> Fluffytale Sans

I suddenly and abnormally sat up in whoever was holding me's arms and look up at where was supposed to be that 'Ccino' guy with widened eyes, unconsciously biting the nipple of the baby bottle instead of drinking the milk instead.

Because skeletons already have teeth when they are born.

-What?! The child seems to like you more!

-I'm not sure about this, but what I know is that they risk ripping out the nipple if they keep biting it...

-Blue, any ideas for a name?

Once again, I look up blindly to the one holding me and then at where the 'Blue' should be, silently bursting in joy as I finally start drinking the milk correctly, to the other's relief.

-Sorry other me, I thought that...

Unknown to me, Ccino starts looking at me weirdly as he noticed that I was jumping around in the other's arms with a very happy expression and a big wild smile.

-Please tell me that this does not involve Ink..., I quickly lose my joyful expression when everyone fell silent, it was horribly long and disturbing, but seems like the Ink in question was just the problem, I decided to act like a good baby that knows how to change a subject, and let out milk out of my mouth by 'accident'.

-Need a little cleanup, Miste— erghh... Miss... What is their gender? Teased then stammered what I assumed to be Blueberry Sans.

'I'm an ex-human'

-I don't know, maybe they're like 99,9% of the multiverse, a boy, Spoke the one holding me which, by the way, I still don't know his identity.

-or maybe like the 0,01% of the multiverse, a girl, said Coffee-man with what I imagine a small frown on his face.

-Non-binary people exist guys... Oh, were you counting the Sanses only? But there's still other gender's us!– Does this sentence make sense? Maybe not, but at least I can understand what he's saying, unlike other babies...

-You know guys, instead of fighting over their gender, we can give them a nickname!

It sucks to be a blind babybone because I didn't get it who clap their hand and who yelled this awesome idea.

Guess I'll deal with the baby's blindness for now...

Btw, for Ccino, I pronounce it 'Chino'

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